| | Gullibles travails or The Art of Believing Anything
I thought the whole issue was settled when #DiaperDon settled the Trump University lawsuits. The whole scheme was a fraudulent, a boiler room selling drama and shinola to the gullible. The lawsuits dragged on for years because fraud is often wrapped in legal drama for the gullible. The gullible have to believe strange things, imagine that others are sinister and evil, all to keep the faith. And in spite of clear demonstrations that they are enthralled with something fake, they continue to believe. It is difficult to imagine that there are Americans who dismiss the almost 300,000 thousand dead. They are so deep in the darkness of intellectual thralldom they have lost all rational abilities. They parrot the stupidest of statements like they are facts saying covid19 is just like the flu. Sometime soon more Americans will die in a single day from covid19 than died on 9/11. In spite of this the gullible watch the irresponsible continue to spread the disease with no concern. They have been so gulled they will willingly walk to their own deaths rather than waking up, looking around. Hospitals across the nation are facing record levels of admissions, ICUs are full, thousands died yesterday. Morgue trucks, mass graves, pleas from health care workers, nothing penetrates the gulled mind.
I have seen it many times over the last twenty years here on SI. Why do some frauds manage to gull so many people and why do they defend the frauds? I think in many cases the pain of acknowledging their own stupidity is too unbearable, better to pretend. The numbers are so startlingly clear to anyone who want to look and use simple reason. It really is like comparing apples to crackers when you look at Vermont and South Dakota. And the ideological murder of South Dakotans continues. And the gullible remain gulled and their ability to discern reality decrease as darkness grows. And no better proof of that can be seen in my exchange with TG, totally gulled, how galling. |