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Rudy Giuliani further exposes Voter Fraud in the 2020 USA Election, by Democrats, via a Canadian company, DOMINION, which uses software from a company, SMARTMATIC, a Vote Counting company owned by Venezuelans, who are close to Maduro and the late Hugo Chavez. The US 2020 election votes were actually counted in Barcelona, Spain, and then sent back to the USA !!! AND ..... via this software VOTES CAN BE CHANGED, FLIPPED OVER, etc, etc .. !!!!
A few more FACTS ....
1) In Antrim County, Michigan, many thousands of Votes, originally for Donald Trump, got flipped 2:1, via SMARTMATIC, for Biden !!! .... Democrats said it was an "accident(?)". In the 2016 Donald Trump got 64% of that county's vote !!!
2) SMARTMATIC was a company established via Hugo Chavez, primarily, to manipulate the votes cast in elections.
3) In an interview with Fox television, Giuliani denounced an alleged fraud in the counting of votes, assuring that the Dominion Voting System company could be "hackable". Giuliani also assured that "Dominion is a company owned by another company called Smartmatic, through an intermediary company called Indra. Smartmatic was founded in 2004. It was made up of three Venezuelans, who were very close to the dictator Hugo Chávez. It is created to fix elections. That is the company that owns Dominion. Although Dominion is Canadian, all its software is of Smartmatic. Dominion removed 2.7 million Trump votes nationally. Data analysis found that 221,000 Pennsylvania votes were traded from Trump to Biden. 941,000 were removed. States that used the Dominion voting system traded 435,000 Trump votes to Biden."
4) Until very recently, and just before he left, the CEO of SMARTMATIC was VERY CLOSE to one of the BIGGEST FINANCIAL DONORS of the Democratic Party, none other than "Socialist/Marxist Champion", GEORGE SOROS !!!
5) Democratic Party "Spokes-people" keep Screeching that there's "No Evidence Of Fraud claims" ...... BUT ..... The Trump Legal Team have submitted OVER 200 AFFIDAVITS OF FRAUD, and AFFIDAVITS ARE EVIDENCE for the dumb leftists who may read this !!!
6) In Pennsylvania and Michigan the Democrat Fraudsters UNDERESTIMATED THE VOTES THAT DONALD TRUMP would get in those two states, because they based their prediction on the number of votes he got in 2016. So when they got towards the end of the count, late at night on the 4th., they realized they had a BIG PROBLEM...... Donald Trump HAD FAR, FAR EXCEEDED THE NUMBER OF VOTES HE GOT IN 2016 !!! That's when vote counting was temporarily stopped so that tens of thousands of "doctored" Mail-in Votes could be trucked in. The problem with these Fraudulent Votes was that ONLY JOE BIDEN's NAME WAS MARKED ON THESE BALLOTS !!! NOT ONE OTHER INDIVIDUAL ON THE TOTAL LIST ON EACH BALLOT PAPER WAS MARKED !!! ..... A virtual STATISTICAL IMPOSSIBILITY !!!!!
But here's Rudy Giulaini providing all the detailed content of the above ---->