| | I love going to the post office without one. They have people set up out front to trap unwitting visitors who want to mail a letter without one.
One day I say this old guy, looked about 80 or more, slowly walk from his car to the door -- a long walk for an old man with a cane. I knew what was getting ready to happen: and here he comes, making his way back to his car. I had an extra and jumped out and gave it to him, and told him I was sorry for these idiots up front, just before he made it to the curb. He turns around and heads back in holding it up to his face. Ridiculous.
Since then, every day I go the the PO, I walk toward the table out front where they assault the maskless, and right before I get to them, I take the sidewalk to the left and go to the side door. Just when they're ready to pounce, I can avoid them. I go in the side door, get my mail, then if I have a letter to mail, go back to the front door (inside), mail it, and walk past the women at the table out front.
One day I went in to get my mail and there is a guy in there wearing a mask, looking at his mail. He looks at me, maskless, and I thought I was going to catch hell. As I walk off, I notice he removes his mask. It was liberating for me, and I know it was for him, as well.
I just love it. Look forward to going to the PO every day. |