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Gold/Mining/Energy : Copper Fox

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To: CanadaGrant who wrote (10645)5/17/2020 12:22:28 AM
From: louel   of 10654
I believ your correct at this point selling would eliminate any possible chance of of gain suould there be something happen to even move price. All losses have alread been incurred at this price it has been derisked. for me I only held a minisculeamount of shares 26k and it was ckutteing up my potfolio distractingattention from others more important
I have evr since back in the S/H days thought you were one of the few who held an open mind unlike some where every whisper appeared to be the golden egg. My approach is on a gold scalr you can place lump of gold but you have no idea of its valu tillcounter weights are placed om=n the opposite side. So to with mining deposits.drilling and assays may say it is fabulous however till all costs prior to market are extracted and time lines are in play and decisions ar made toward commecial production the true value remains unknown it is nothing more than a guess.

Back in th days of S/H I ws at times quite brutal to many other members including you So please accept my appology I make here to all. I like this forum to be whee on where posters may place views, ask questions and shae factual infomation on CUU and other ventures which may benefit all
Thank you for you post CG Welcome any time JUst because a person posts on another forum does not mean they cannot share here I hold no Bias Add yes from time to time I visit AG and scout for relevant info hich I may have missed
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