Eggs, butter or Snacks, candy
There is a fine line between stupidity and foresight and I am sure at this point many people are dealing with one or the other. I see that on the Ride the Tiger thread someone mentioned a forthcoming baby boom, that is is probably only half the equation, I foresee a forthcoming divorce boom as well. It is difficult to fully encompass the extent of the change but this new coronavirus is in many ways acting as a catalyst for a variety of reactions on our planet. Again, the extent of reactivity has not been plumbed yet but certainly the use of superlatives can stop, we are never going to see another event like this in our lifetime.
I sent my older brother some $$$ this morning and met him at the store. Prior to the disease that sidelined him he was a professional chef and a pretty good one so his shopping is food wise. He has a lung condition that has been aggravated by years and years of medications and he is definitely vulnerable. This morning I gave him a can of Lysol wipes, a bunch of nitrile gloves and two N95 masks to use when he goes out to check his mail, do laundry in the building or when he is riding in the elevator for any reason. I met him at Safeway this morning and let him load his shopping bags into the back of my truck after he had shopped. I drove his groceries to his place while he walked. I did some shopping myself and stocked up on the necessaries, instant jello, Pillsbury Cinnamon buns, Skittles, Glossette Raisins, Passion Flakes, Ah Caramels, Liberte Flans, RipL Chips, Cheeto's , Jarrito sodas in Mango, Guava, Pineapple and Strawberry, Lune Moons, Joe Louis' and several small bags of Lay's Classic Chips. It wasn't all wise though because I also got broccolini, green beans, packaged salads, shallots, jalapenos, little tomatoes, Palmolive dish soap, extra virgin olive oil and freezer bags. I am going out shopping again soon, not only to get the eggs and butter that Rocks sent me out to buy originally, but to get a large container for water so I can set up a handwashing station in my truck. I am really feeling the pinch of no drive-thru but I did discover that you cannot put cream in your tea if you want to use a Thermos. After only a few hours the tea becomes undrinkable. I am carrying the cream in a little Tupperware to add as I drink and that works. And if you cannot find the Tim's Orange Pekoe Tea the Salada OP is a reasonable substitute that most Canadians will be familiar with. |