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Pastimes : Linux OS.: Technical questions

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To: FJB who wrote (420)2/19/2020 5:01:49 PM
From: FJB   of 477
Want to get rid of those annoying 1 pixel wide borders in Ubuntu? Here's how!

Want to get rid of those annoying 1 pixel wide borders in Ubuntu? Here's how!

By borders I mean the edge of the window that you need to grab in order to resize it. I've always been annoyed by the default size being almost impossible to grab. Here's a way to fix it.

  • Open a terminal windowenter: cd /
  • enter: cd usr/share/themes/Ambiance/metacity-1/
  • enter: sudo vi metacity-theme-1.xmlenter password "saasbook"
  • VI will open in the terminal. Near the top is a section with name="frame_geometry_normal"
  • Look for these 3 tags
  • <distance name="left_width" value="1" />
  • <distance name="right_width" value="1" />
  • <distance name="bottom_height" value="1" />
  • Change the values to 8
  • Save and exit the file with wq
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