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Strategies & Market Trends : Value Investing

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To: Touching who wrote (56690)1/18/2016 11:41:15 PM
From: Paul Senior  Read Replies (1) of 77171
Welcome, Touching. I have a full position in CF. I rode it up (shares purchased in '09), held, and unfortunately am now riding it down. Shares purchased in '13 in red; overall slightly positive. I don't intend to add any more shares here. Hoping I don't see red and sell out in disgust.

Besides YARIY, I'm holding shares of AGU, and a few shares of MOS recently bought.

If/when China devalues against USA $, then their exports of fertilzer will be cheaper and put pressure on these USA producers. I suspect the devaluation event and result are not all built into the stock prices yet. So I expect it will be painful to be holding these fertilizer stocks. I'm not sure I'm willing to take that pain.
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