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Technology Stocks : The *NEW* Frank Coluccio Technology Forum

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From: Frank A. Coluccio1/23/2013 10:36:39 AM
   of 46820
WDM-PON x 2:
[1] COCONUT project to develop coherent ultra-dense WDM-PON
January 22, 2013 | Lightwave Staff

Abstract: “COCONUT” is a delightfully approximate acronym for “COst-effective COhereNt Ultra-dense-WDM-PON for lambda-To-the-user access networks.” The aim of the project is to define, study, and realize a fully scalable optical broadband access network that significantly extends the network dimensions in terms of bandwidth use, reach, and number of accommodated users. The envisioned access network technology evolves from the almost-commercial WDM-PON architecture to the realization of the ultra-dense WDM approaches, opening the way to the “wavelength-to-the-user” concept.


[2] Fujitsu, Motorola Mobility Announce Interoperable GPON-WDM Solution for the United States Department of Defense
Jan. 22, 2013 | Motorola

Joint Interoperability Test Command-certified platforms bring unparalleled security, reliability and efficiency to government customers
Motorola’s Passive Optical LAN (POL) greatly simplifies enterprise network deployment, operation and management. POL is based on proven GPON technology that delivers enhanced security, carrier-class reliability and significant power savings. Motorola’s POL solution also delivers tremendous cost savings, with up to a 55 percent reduction in capital and up to a 75 percent reduction in overall operational costs, for combined Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) savings of up to 65 percent over traditional LAN architectures.Fujitsu’s FLASHWAVE 9500 Packet ONP is a standards-based solution that integrates key advanced networking technologies including, centralized L2 switching, ROADM, and transmission up to 100G. The Fujitsu and Motorola platforms demonstrate data sharing with minimal latency or jitter effects.
The FLASHWAVE 9500 Packet ONP supports Connection-Oriented Ethernet (COE), ROADM and SONET/SDH. By combining circuit and packet-based switching into a single platform, government organizations can transition from a legacy infrastructure to a converged core that transports TDM alongside new GPON traffic. The simultaneous support for multiple traffic types allows government agencies to leverage existing technology investments while migrating to a next generation network infrastructure.


Hat tip: platdms

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