LETTER TO RAFAEL (very long)
The following letter, is a letter I was supposed to write and send you shortly after receiving your reply in May or June of 2011. I didn't because I failed to set aside the time to do so even though the HOLY SPIRIT had been prompting me to write. I believe GOD, (the Father, Jesus, and HOLY SPIRIT) wants me to tell you some things HE has taught me since asking Jesus to save me. I do not know whether you will accept right away what I feel I'm supposed to tell you, but I do know the choice truly is your choice to make. No one but you can make it. I also know, by experience, the choices we do make in our lives will not always produce the results we expect.
You've come to an age where you should have a general understanding of what good and bad are as it applies to yourself and those with whom you associate, either by chance or on a long term basis. In the eyes of GOD, you're not responsible for what someone does to you; however, you are responsible for how you react to what has been done to you by another, or for what you've done to another whether it be good or bad.
The Bible is a book about GOD who created all things seen and unseen. The Bible is divided into two parts, the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament includes a basic history of the people GOD chose to interact with during the time the history was written down, commandments which GOD gave those people as an outline by which to live their lives, and laws which GOD created to help people to understand how to live on earth as well as deal with one another. One of the things GOD tells us in the Bible is that HE knows the end from the beginning of all things. In other words, GOD knows what the outcome will be from any word spoken or any action taken by us towards other people, or to ourselves. This is why it is very important to read the Bible so a person will know what to expect in life regardless of how they choose to live the life they have been given by GOD. Do you want to live a happy, successful life? The Bible tells us how to do it. If you decide you don't want to live your life the way GOD desires us to live it, the Bible also tells us what to expect. It has and will work just that way every single time no matter who the person is.
Here is the problem. You probably said you want to live your life happy and successful, but you won't be able to do it all the time because there will always be an opportunity waiting for you to mess up what GOD has purposed for you to live. No matter how much you try, eventually you'll mess up somewhere. And once that happens, then you have to have the forgiveness of GOD to put you back on the road to living happy and successful. In my country, depending on the severity of the mess up, a person will be unhappy at the bottom end of the scale, or in prison depending on what the offence is. The Old Testament (filled with history, commandments, and laws) is also filled with prophecy: telling us what is to come before it happens. The Old Testament tells us throughout that GOD is going to send, of HIMSELF, ONE who will bring all people into agreement with HIS ultimate desire which is to allow people to live with HIM forever without ever having to worry about messing up.
The New Testament is the fulfilling of the prophecy of the ONE which GOD has sent to "redeem" all people back to HIM. That "ONE" is Jesus. Jesus is GOD. Jesus came to earth for one reason, to redeem all the "mess ups" of people back to GOD the Father. If you're having a hard time understanding how GOD can be on earth and in heaven at the same time, don't worry about it. It is hard for everyone to understand. But even if a person doesn't understand something, it doesn't mean it isn't true. What it does mean is a person doesn't have the mental ability to understand it. Rafael, I have a hard time understanding how GOD can be in two places at the same time. However, I also try to remember, I'm not the ONE who made me; I'm the one who was made. I also know it is true because of how Jesus revealed the love of GOD the Father to me through HIM (Jesus).
I don't want to spend a lot of time on what I'm about to tell you because it is hard to understand how it can be true, but please believe me when I tell you it is. There is a world within the world which we cannot see. And it is filled with what are known as "spirits". Spirits are beings without bodies. Chances are you'll never see one in your life, because most people don't. But we do have the ability to feel their presence. There are two types of spirits. There are evil spirits (demons), and heavenly spirits (angels). The heavenly spirits are those which are commanded by GOD, and evil spirits are those commanded by satan. Satan was once with GOD, but was thrown out of heaven when he tried to exalt himself above GOD. There are far more angels than there are demons. Demons are all the fallen angels which were thrown out of heaven along with satan the devil. Demons are those spirits which influence people to sin, or disobey the commandments of GOD.
Any time you're tempted or a thought comes to you to do something which GOD would not approve of, it is probably the influence of a demon. Satan and those under his control (demons) hate everything GOD is. Satan only cares about one thing, separating you from GOD for eternity. Any time you follow through with an action or a word which GOD does not approve of is sin and honors satan. Any time you choose to do what GOD wants you to do based on love (treating or honoring others greater than yourself) honors GOD. Any time you spend thinking about something at length which does not honor GOD is sin. Like being mad at someone. Even if you don't do something which hurts them the way you were hurt by them, but think at length about wanting to see hurt come to them honors satan, and is a sin against GOD.
A person cannot truly appreciate what Jesus has done for them until they have so messed up their own life by the choices they have made which got them in the place they are. At some point, Rafael, you'll have the opportunity to accept Jesus into your life. And before doing so, you will also know why you want to. I have tried to spend the time writing to you to tell you why I hope you will. But as I told you before, only you, and you alone can make that choice. The Lord very specifically told me to tell you that when you decide to make the choice to ask Jesus into your life and your heart HE will be there when you do. It is also why I've tried to encourage you to read the Bible. You may not understand what you're reading, but the more you do read it, the more you will eventually understand, and hopefully you'll remember it.
At some point in your life, you will have to come to the realization that everyone is basically alike, and likewise, GOD created everyone. Therefore, a person's skin color, language, and gender were determined by GOD before a person was ever born. Not one of those three things should be considered when considering another person's worth or worthiness. Since GOD loves all the people HE created, then it is not what a person looks like, or how they speak, or even whether they are a boy or girl that matters to GOD. What GOD cares, or judges a person by is how they have treated others in spite of the differences. Knowing this does not mean it will always be easy to live by example. As a matter of fact, ALL PEOPLE have failed, either frequently or periodically, to live their entire life without saying or doing something to another person which caused ill will or physical consequences. And that is sin. Any time a person does something which is not for the good of another, he or she has sinned both against the person to whom it was done and GOD who created the person to whom wrong was done. That is why it is said, an unrighteous act or word done to another is also done to GOD.
I'm sure you haven't always done the right thing, either because you knew better, or because you didn't know. And you probably felt something inside yourself before or after you did it. It was like a little voice saying don't do that, or you just had a sense which you couldn't explain regarding something you've done or were planning on doing. It is most commonly known as having a guilty conscience, the feeling of being wrong or ashamed depending upon the severity of the action or word. A person's conscience is, in my opinion, the first proof of GOD. You'll never see an animal display any kind of remorse towards another animal. This also tells us that human beings are totally different from the animal kingdom. All those sins will keep you from being with GOD for eternity if you do not come to the point in your life of recognizing them for the wrong they are or were, and asking Jesus, the only begotten Son of GOD, to save you from the wrath of GOD which comes upon all people who do not come to the point in their life of realizing just how wrong their sins are to GOD. However, it is unlikely you will be able to truly understand how much our sins will separate us from GOD until the HOLY SPIRIT draws you to a place of "repentance" by causing you to understand you need to ask GOD for forgiveness of your sins. Rafael, please understand, I'm not trying to scare you into doing something you don't understand. I'm telling you what is going to happen at some point in your future and why it will happen when the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD invites you to accept Jesus into your life and be forgiven for every bad thing you've ever done in your life. At some point, and I don't know when because GOD picks the time, it will happen.
GOD knew, before you were born, that if you ever reached the age of being able to discern between right and wrong, you would sin. But GOD also made a way before you were born to forgive you of all your sins. In other words, by asking and excepting Jesus into your life, all your sins are forgiven because Jesus took all your sins, and mine, to the cross, paying the price for eternity for ALL of them (those you've already done, and those you may do in the future). Jesus is GOD. Jesus is GOD come down from heaven to teach all men and women, boys and girls, how to treat one another, AND to pay the price for them to come to heaven to live with HIM when they die knowing that no one would ever be able to live out their entire lives the way GOD wants us to live on earth. But a person has to "ask" Jesus to come into their life and "save" them. A person does not get this gift from GOD simply because they are living. Once a person asks Jesus to come into their life, they have made the "choice" to give their life to the Lord. At that point, GOD the Father gives the person the life of Jesus who died carrying all the sins of all people upon HIMSELF.
I don't expect you to understand everything I'm telling you, Rafael. But I do believe GOD wants you to have the opportunity to know these things so when the time comes that you realize you need supernatural help to live out the life GOD intended for you to live, hopefully you will remember some of the things I have told you about GOD, and you will call upon Jesus.
There is a big difference between knowing about Jesus, and knowing Jesus personally. You have to know Jesus personally. Here is an example: think about someone you've heard about, maybe a leader of your country. You may know their name, where they live, even some of the details of their life, but if you happen to see them and greet them, would they know you? Here is what I'm trying to get you to understand, Jesus knows everything about you including everything you've ever said or thought about. But what if Jesus walked up to you and greeted you. Would you know HIM? You probably wouldn't know HIM.
When you come to that place in your life when you do want to know Jesus, you'll have to tell HIM you want to know HIM. And once you ask, HE will establish a relationship with you. Once the relationship is established, then you will want to talk to HIM, listen to HIM, and live for and with HIM forever. The way you talk to Jesus is through prayer. When you talk to Jesus, you have to be honest and sincere sharing what is on your heart. You tell Jesus all the things you would tell your best friend. And Jesus will take care of you if you listen and do what HE tells you to do. Jesus talks to us by the HOLY SPIRIT. What the HOLY SPIRIT tells us is what Jesus would say to us. And you will "hear" HIM speak to you when you come to the place in your life when you sincerely desire to live out your life the way GOD wants you to live. For me, it came when I was in the fourth decade of life. It took me that long to realize I couldn't do on my own what GOD had planned for my life even before I was born. I sincerely hope it doesn't take you that long to come to the place in your life where you know you need GOD to live a successful life.
It was the HOLY SPIRIT which told me to send you the gift you received in May of 2011. But I still had the choice of whether to obey GOD and send it, or disobey GOD and keep it. GOD will deal with EVERY aspect of your life which is why I hope you'll establish a relationship with HIM through Jesus early in your life. There aren't many things in my own life that I don't talk to GOD about, especially money. Let me be clear, GOD does NOT need your money; GOD wants you to trust HIM with every aspect of your life and that includes money.
After I had been "born again"(John chapter 3), the Lord Jesus began to teach me about money. One of the first things I had to do was learn to trust HIM with a tithe even though I didn't have a lot of money. A tithe is a tenth, and it is given to any work which glorifies GOD, usually a church which preaches the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The tenth for the tithe comes from any and all money you've earned by working for it, or been given as a gift from another person. Now let me be clear: GOD loves you whether you do or don't give a portion of what you earn to help others in the Name of Jesus, or to the church you attend. But the "blessing" of GOD will not come upon you until you learn to trust GOD with everything in your life including your money. And you have to do it consistently regardless of your own expected needs. The "blessing" is an increase of whatever you're willing to trust GOD with. The only gift GOD will ever honor is one which is given out of obedience regardless of whether or not one receives anything back. Any tithe, or offering, must be given because a person truly loves GOD and desires to trust HIM to use what is given for the greater good of others.
There are a couple of factors which must be understood when it comes to "giving". GOD knows the intent of a person's heart any time anything is given, be it time, money, food, etc. And GOD judges the gift accordingly. Giving to GOD is not like putting a coin in a machine and getting more back than you put in simply for the sake of having more to spend on yourself. Giving something to GOD because you already have a lot of it does not impress GOD. But trusting GOD to increase what you have in your future by giving HIM out of the little you have does impress HIM and HE will eventually bless you. Now it may come back to you quickly, but more often than not, it will come back to you after months or years. Nor does GOD judge the amount of the gift. What HE does judge is the amount of sacrifice one makes to be obediant to what GOD has spoken to a person to give. It is kind of like GOD is challenging us to trust HIM. I can honestly tell you, Rafael, if you'll be obediant and trust the Lord with whatever HE tells you to give, GOD will bless you. I remember one year after giving the Lord what HE told me to give, I never got sick when other people did. Had I not done so, it probably would have cost me more than what I gave to pay the doctor for medicine. GOD really blessed me in 2011. Our home was completely paid off six months after I sent the sum of money to you and your family in April. It cost several times more than what I sent you.
There is also another aspect of the blessing of GOD which many people do not understand. GOD will bring increase into a person's life not only because they love HIM, but also to have more to give to help other people as well. A sharing and caring heart is more important to GOD than what one looks like or how much they do or don't possess. Become a person who loves to give, and you'll never have need or want in your life; GOD will take care of you. I believe this is also what Jesus wants me to tell you. If you use all the money I send you for yourself, eventually it will stop coming to you, AND you will lose what you have used the money for. In the remainder of this letter, I'm going to share with you how GOD taught me through HIS Word, (the Bible) and prayer (the voice of the HOLY SPIRIT) to trust HIM with my money and the blessing I've received from GOD.
Jesus said, "Give a man a fish, and you will feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you will feed him for a lifetime." Giving is very important to GOD. We see this in John 3:16 which says, "For GOD so loved the world that HE "GAVE" HIS only begotton Son, etc." Now look at the third chapter of the book of Proverbs and read verses nine and ten. "Honor the Lord with thy substance, and with the firstfruits of all thine increase: So shall thy barns be filled with plenty, and thy presses shall burst out with new wine." Also in Proverbs, chapter eleven and verses twenty-four through twenty-eight. The book of Proverbs is the book of wisdom. Everything in the book of Proverbs is true and is a kind of blue print for living a life pleasing to GOD.
Before I explain how I came to know what I believe I'm supposed to tell you, I want to tell you a story. Many years ago, when I was a few years younger than you are now, my parents, grandparents, and sometimes my aunts and uncles would give the children in my family gifts on our birthdays or Christmas. Most of the time we would get toys, or games, or candy, but sometimes we receieved money. Guess which two days of the year I would look forward to most? My birthday and Christmas day. It was a tradition which was taught to me by family, but receiving the gifts did not make me love the people who gave them to me. What it did do though, was make me look forward to seeing the people only because of the gifts.
I had to think and pray for sometime before I decided to start sending you most of what I would receive on my birthday for your Christmas. You see, I knew what might happen from doing so. I do not send you a special gift each year because I want you to think well of me. I send the money because I want you and your family to share in the blessing GOD has blessed me with. But that is not going to continue forever which is why I want you to get a hold of the principles which the Word of GOD teaches concerning "giving" and "money".
GOD created a law which has many applications. It is called the Law of Seed, Time, and Harvest. Now the "Seed" can be anything you plant. If you plant corn, eventually you'll harvest corn. You plant one seed and get a greater number in the harvest. But you can't plant the seed one day, and go out the next day and get a harvest of more than you planted. Also, you can't plant one kind of seed, and expect another kind of fruit or vegetable than what you planted.
Now apply the principle to money. You plant "the money seed" by giving, then wait patiently which is the "time", and eventually it will produce after it's kind which will bring the harvest. But there is another aspect which must be considered. The "ground" where the seed is planted must be good soil, or the seed won't come up, or come up and die before it produces more for a harvest. So how are you going to know where to plant the seed? GOD will tell you when you pray or lead you to know when you read your Bible. But the seed will still not produce unless you have "faith"(believing GOD will deliver the harvest when HE knows it is time to reap it.) Now remember what I told you before? NEVER GIVE JUST TO GET. Giving for the sake of getting is something an unrighteous person will do. A righteous person will give because he or she desires to bless GOD which made it possible for the person to have something to give in the first place. If your desire is to bless GOD, eventually your standard of living will increase, and you will have more to give to those whom GOD desires you to give to. Rafael, everything I'm telling you, I know by experience. I've been doing this ever since the day GOD revealed HIS love toward me and for me. Once the Lord did so, it completely changed my life. But it also took time. You have to start where you are and with what you've got. If you eat your seed, you'll have nothing to plant.
Before I became your sponsor, I didn't have much money. But it was the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD which convinced me to trust HIM with what I did have, and GOD proved to me HE could make what was left last longer. But I had to trust GOD no matter what might come which I couldn't know was coming, or trust HIM with the money even when I thought I needed it more. It was GOD which brought increase into my life as I diligently trusted GOD with what HE made it possible for me to have in the first place. I have NEVER, to this day, withheld a tithe to the Lord on anything HE has given me. And GOD has always provided for me and my wife.
Once GOD began to bring increase into my life, not only did I have more to tithe, but I also began applying the Law of Firstfruits to my giving. Lets say I give you a certain amount of money. To tithe, you will give a tenth of the money back to GOD. Now when GOD sees your continually faithful to give HIM a tenth, HE will at some point give you more. So now lets pretend GOD one day gives you twice as much as you were receiving. To apply the law of firstfruits, you will tithe on the first half of the money, and give the Lord ALL of the other half of the remaining money. Then the next time you receive the double, you will just tithe on it.
GOD proved this LAW to me when I started a yard care service. In my country, many people have grass in front of their homes which needs to be cut periodically so it will look nice. Every time I would cut the grass at a different house, I would give the entire amount to GOD the first time I did the work, and then I would tithe on the money I receieved thereafter when I did the work again. The first year I had the business, I cut the grass for three people. The second year I cut grass for five people. After five years, I was cutting the grass for as many as eleven people in one year as well as having a full time job. I was busy all the time. GOD finally told me to give up the business because I had no time for GOD, and I did what HE told me to do. Even after giving up the business, GOD still met my every need and allowed me to continue to cut and sell firewood which I give to the Lord. GOD has blessed me Rafael, and HE will bless you also if you practice what I have told you and trust GOD to take care of you.
I've been giving you "fish" for a few years now, but at some point that will stop once you become responsible for taking care of yourself. And I've done what the Lord has impressed upon me to tell you so you can start learning to fish. But the choice to do it is still your choice to make.
I love you, Rafael, but GOD loves you more than I or anyone else ever will because HIS love is perfect. Once Jesus invites you to accept HIM into your life, and you say, "Yes," you will never be cast away from HIM. Then, as you live for Jesus because you will know HIS love for you, HE will also give you the ability to love HIM and establish a relationship with HIM. After that, you will KNOW Jesus, not just know about HIM. And Jesus will take care of you as you learn to submit yourself to HIS leading, and teach you how to live your life for HIM.
Before I end this letter, I believe I need to tell you that having an ever increasing relationship with GOD through Jesus will not exempt you from difficult times in your own life. Living for the Lord because you know and love HIM will not be any easier than living without HIM. It will, however, be far more rewarding. Having a relationship with Jesus isn't just a ticket to heaven. It is a journey, often times unpleasant, which will constantly challenge you to trust GOD no matter what comes your way. But GOD is faithful to HIS Word. And the Lord will continually confirm this to you as you learn to seek the Lord with all your heart. Not only will GOD bless you with what you do understand, HE will also bless you in ways you cannot possibly know are ahead of you, and bless you with the ability to love others the way Jesus loves us. There are so many things which I want you to know, but you'll never truly appreciate knowing them until you have learned from them on your own. One of my favorite verses is one I lean on continually found in John 14:26, "But the Comforter, which is the HOLY GHOST, whom the Father will send in MY Name, HE shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you."
Only the HOLY SPIRIT can truly teach you about GOD and HIS ways, but HE will not come to you until you first ask Jesus to come into your life. I like to listen to preaching and teaching about GOD, but I don't tend to believe any of what I hear from someone else until the HOLY SPIRIT confirms to me it is true. The HOLY SPIRIT is the confirmation of Jesus inside of you. It is the HOLY SPIRIT which talks to me when I tell others what the Lord has told me. Unfortunately, you won't know what I'm talking about until you have a relationship with Jesus.
What you know about me, child, is not who I was before we ever met. In the early part of 2004, I hated some people so much that I was very close to expressing my hatred of them by killing them and eventually myself. One night in March of 2004, quietly weeping while I layed in bed about to go to sleep, I asked Jesus to take my life because I did not want to be known to others for being a murderer. Rafael, I was as lost and headed for hell (eternal separation from GOD) as a person could be. I was so tormented by an evil spirit I knew I was going insane (an inability to control my thoughts). Then, still crying, I asked Jesus to save my life. Thereafter, I had to show GOD I was serious about wanting to be saved by doing what HE caused me know before I ever actually heard HIM speak to me. About nine or ten weeks later, GOD opened a window from the world we can't see unto me and poured HIS love upon and in me so much that HE delivered me of the evil spirit and confirmed HIS love for and towards me. From that very moment, my life immediately began to go towards HIM instead of away from HIM. So when I tell you about Jesus, it isn't because of what I've heard other people say about HIM. It is because Jesus allowed me to know HIM personally, and also know HE was the one that saved me.
I pray the Lord will give you everything HE has given me and more, and protect you until Jesus gives you the opportunity to know HIM better than you know your best friend.
Only because of Jesus am I able to tell you about HIM, |