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Microcap & Penny Stocks : Rocky Mountain Int'l (OTC:RMIL former OTC:OVIS)

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To: Malcolm Thomas who wrote (19170)11/17/1997 11:19:00 PM
From: MZUBOZ  Read Replies (2) of 55532
I don't know how much this helps but when I talked to Gary Morgan about 2-2 1/2 weeks ago I asked him about the 2 million shares from the S-8. He told me they were all Reg 144 shares. It would seem that if the total authorized shares are 3.6 million, the float would have to be approx. 1.6 million. Again, this is based on what I was told. I can't guarantee the source, just the messenger.

I agree, though, that someone from RMIL should be able to provide this information.
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