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Technology Stocks : Network Associates (NET)
NET 164.63+16.3%10:39 AM EST

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To: AlienTech who wrote (6019)10/15/2010 7:33:54 PM
From: AlienTech   of 6021
Anyone know the deal with the stock option repricing scheme they did just when the stuff was comming out?

I saw a few messages saying that they got fired if they didnt sign it which was to reprice their options after the stock tanked from $50 to $15. There must have been something in there because some people who had prices lower than $15 did not want to reprice it above their cheaper price as well as lose all the time they vested with them. But they all got fired so it didnt help them anyway.

At the time I did not pay much attention to this but I want to find out more on this and what scam larson was running even in the end.
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