Since February 2009, gold investors have made 40.67%. Meanwhile… “Investors in select energy stocks have made up to 16 times their money as oil prices have more than doubled!” While most investors have had their eyes on gold, oil prices have soared 103.56% since 2009. And savvy investors in select micro cap energy companies have been cashing in, despite the recession.
But now, I've discovered a way for you to potentially make 450% profits from this energy boom—enough to turn $10,000 into $55,000—over the next 12 to 24 months.
It’s thanks to an under-the-radar DOUBLE-PLAY energy micro cap with onshore oil properties already in production. Keep reading to discover what has me so excited...
Fellow Investor,
Gold is getting all the attention from investors these days—but your best profit opportunity in the months ahead may actually lie in oil.
You see, while gold has risen 40.67% since early 2009, oil prices have better than doubled. And prices are sure to go higher in the coming months thanks in part to President Obama’s ban on offshore drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.
How the President’s drilling ban could put money in your pocket But what’s really nice is that I’ve uncovered a turnaround energy micro cap that is well positioned to profit from the drilling ban thanks to its onshore oil and gas properties that are already in production.
Meet Bob Flaherty
Investment advisor Bob Flaherty has a well-deserved reputation for finding overlooked and undervalued special situation stocks that deliver double- and triple-digit profits in good times and in bad. And he shares his discoveries with subscribers to his online newsletters, Flaherty Financial News and Flaherty Special Situations.
Flaherty developed and sharpened his legendary skills during his 20 years as an editor (and later senior editor) at Forbes and 25 years as editor of Equities Magazine and Equities Special Situations.
This company—Strategic American Oil Corporation (OTCBB: SGCA)—could bring you 450% profits overthe next 12 to 24 months—enough to turn $10,000 $55,000.
You see, onshore drilling companies are not caught up in the moratorium, which allows them to sell their oil and natural gas and still make a profit.
To read my complete online report and analysis on Strategic American (SGCA), click here.
Oil supplies fall…prices rise…and investors in energy companies profit Oil from the Gulf of Mexico supplies a large percentage of our domestic needs. But now that oil is off limits. Wiped out by executive order!
So, what’s going to replace it? Simple: Onshore oil that’s been neglected for years.
And Strategic American Oil is perfectly positioned to supply some of that much-needed oil.
Better yet, as oil prices rise in the months ahead thanks to rising demand and reduced supplies, every barrel of oil Strategic American brings to the surface could be even more profitable than it is now. My #1 Double-Play Energy Stock Quick Facts at a Glance Stock Name: Strategic American Oil Corp. Stock Symbol: OTCBB: SGCA Current Price: $0.20 (as of 09/28/10) Low Projection: $0.50 High Projection: $1.10 Recommendation: Strong Speculative Buy In production Breakthrough technologies Proven properties Little debt with cash in the bank Great management A market cap of only $11.4 million An energy bargain stock Note: This is an aggressive recommendation with strong potential for rich returns. To minimize risk, I recommend limiting your investment to no more than 5% of your portfolio, which should be globally diversified.
You can make triple digit profits with energy stocks—despite this market These rising prices mean energy stocks could be a profitable place to put some of your money.
While many sectors are seeing little increases or even declines, since oil prices bottomed in February 2009, select energy stocks have been performing like gangbusters.
Take a look...
Magnum Hunter Resources (AMEX: MHR) rocketed upwards 1,566%… American Oil & Gas (AMEX: AEZ) exploded by 997.3%… Lucas Energy (AMEX: LEI) shot up 271.93%… Samson Oil & Gas Ltd. (AMEX: SSN) soared 186.36%. Clearly, energy stocks like Strategic American Oil (SGCA) could be the road to growing your wealth, even as other investors are losing their shirts in this lousy market.
To read my complete online report and analysis on Strategic American (SGCA), click here.
A proven track record of helping small investors In a moment, I’m going to tell you all about Strategic American Oil (SGCA) and reveal why I’m so taken with this stock. But first, let me introduce myself. My name is Bob Flaherty—and for 50 years I’ve lived and breathed micro cap special situation opportunities.
I’ve served as senior editor at Forbes and editor of Equities Magazine and Equities Special Situations. And since 2007, I’ve been editor of Flaherty Financial News and Flaherty Special Situations.
And over those years, I’ve helped investors earn windfall profits time and time again with picks like...
Pre-Paid Legal Services—up 305% in 60 months Ravenswood Winery—up 181% in 16 months Avatech Solutions—up 570% in 15 months Medifast—up 286% in 12 months Harris & Harris—up 258% in 12 months Petrobank Energy and Resources Ltd.—up 261% in 11 months And while heading up Equities Special Situations, I was ranked #1 by Select Information Exchange (SIE) for 14 consecutive months.
I’ve also been top-ranked by The Hulbert Financial Digest and had the rare privilege of beating the Wilshire 5000 Index for 4 years in a row.
And now I’m using my decades of expertise to find micro cap special situation opportunities like Strategic American Oil.
To read my complete online report and analysis on Strategic American (SGCA), click here.
Make potentially 5 times your money from oil and natural gas wells Big Oil left behind Right now, this little-known company has operations in Texas, Louisiana and Illinois. And it’s not a dream-and-a-wish operation.
This energy producer is already in production and making money by pulling oil out of forgotten oil and natural gas fields using a battery of advanced technologies.
These fields were thought mostly depleted of oil and gas and were thus left behind by the big oil companies that moved on to greener pastures offshore.
However, by using the latest technology, Strategic American Oil (SGCA) is now able to pull oil and gas from these long-forgotten fields. And that has created a potential 450% profit opportunity for you.
It is estimated that these lost and forgotten oil fields contain billions of dollars worth of oil and natural gas—and Strategic American has been quietly buying them up.
And thanks to the ban on offshore drilling, good oil properties on dry land are the place energy companies need to be in the months and years ahead.
Today’s breakthrough technologies make it profitable to tap these energy reserves Not long ago, figuring out the right place to drill for oil and gas was like rolling the dice.
But now, with the use of advanced 3-D seismic technology, Strategic American Oil (SGCA) can get a virtual three-dimensional x-ray of the ground to pinpoint specific pockets of energy with an amazing degree of accuracy.
What’s more, this company is using advanced waterflooding methods to squeeze every last drop of oil out of every well.
I’ll explain more about this process when you click here to read more of my analysis of this company.
Thanks to some smart land deals and this advanced drilling and surveying technologies, Strategic American Oil is well positioned to help you potentially turn 10,000 into $55,000 over the next 12 to 24 months—if you get in now.
The company is sitting on properties across three states with double-play potential in both oil and natural gas.
Yet its market cap is a mere $11.4 million—and I believe it’s hugely undervalued.
Right now, the stock is hovering at around 20 cents a share. But it won’t take much to see this stock jump to potentially 50 cents—better than doubling your money.
Or, as I expect, a spike to $1.10, which could deliver better than 5-fold profits for early investors as the demand for energy sends oil prices into triple digits.
5 reasons you could cash in when this stock skyrockets Because of the ban on offshore drilling and exploding demand in countries like China and India, oil could become in very short supply, making a bad situation worse. This could create an energy price spike ahead—with oil possibly surpassing $100 a barrel. Strategic American Oil is using an array of advanced technologies to reclaim onshore resources that have been forgotten over time, turning these wells into profit generators. An energy double-play involving both oil and natural gas. A positive cash flow by the end of this year, producing a healthy return that’s vital for micro caps. A solid management team with local knowledge to rival the energy industry’s biggest players. The double-play profit opportunity of a lifetime! Strategic American is involved in 2 energy plays that could bring big profits to the company and to investors who get in now.
PLAY #1: OIL—As I mentioned, the company is using new breakthrough technologies to bring America’s abandoned oil fields back to life.
By using state-of-the-art, 3-D seismic technology, together with world-class geological analysis, Strategic American can pinpoint the best prospects before drilling ever begins. What’s more…
The company uses in-the-field experts who know these areas inside out. So while this technology is cost-prohibitive for many small oil and gas companies, it’s an essential part of Strategic American’s plan for long-term growth.
Following this strategy, the company has focused its efforts in proven production areas in Texas, Louisiana and Illinois:
Texas: The company is involved in two major projects in Texas—the Koliba Project that has produced 390,426 barrels of oil and the Kenedy County project where the company’s 3-D seismic database has identified a promising project. Louisiana: The company’s Delhi South Field features an already producing oil well and the potential for additional wells identified with the 3-D seismic technology. Illinois: Three projects are underway, which are estimated to hold at least 3 million barrels of oil and possibly much more. To read my complete online report and analysis on Strategic American (SGCA), click here.
Better yet, Strategic American is also working on…
PLAY #2: NATURAL GAS—As a global trend puts the spotlight on natural gas as the ultimate alternative energy source, the company is positioning itself with solid gas properties.
You see, natural gas is the most obvious answer to our country’s excessive dependence on foreign energy sources. It’s clean burning. It’s abundant. And we have an enormous domestic supply with a good distribution system already in place.
In fact, the buzz in Washington is that the Obama Administration will soon present a plan to convert our nation’s trucking and heavy-equipment industry from petroleum to natural gas.
To read my complete online report and analysis on Strategic American (SGCA), click here.
My advice is not to wait too long as this company’s natural gas energy play is only going to get hotter as this fuel becomes the alternative fuel of choice. Oil Billionaire T. Boone Pickens has already invested $58 million of his own money into natural gas. And he’s not alone.
Investment gurus like Jim Rogers and Jim Cramer are on board with natural gas. Even President Obama and politicians from both parties see the future in natural gas.
And already the House has passed H.R. 1835, the NAT GAS Act. This bill will authorize $30 million a year for the next 5 years for research and development, increase and extend tax credits for the purchase of natural gas vehicles, and offer a suite of tax credits and other incentives to expand natural gas refueling capacity.
Energy researchers at MIT believe natural gas could play an even bigger role in meeting our energy needs by using it to generate copious amounts of electricity for generations to come.
What’s more, as countries like China, India, Australia, Canada and the U.S. continue to seek alternative and supplemental energy sources to power their trucks, buses, heavy industrial equipment and power plants…worldwide prices will respond accordingly.
Here’s how Strategic American (SCGA) fits into the picture After aggressively leasing land and preparing a development plan to increase production, Strategic American now has a prime natural gas project in Texas.
It’s called the Kenedy project and its two wells in the Frio Sand target are estimated to hold reserves of between 10 billion and 200 billion cubic feet of gas.
But even a smaller well of around 20 billion cubic feet could prove extremely profitable if the property produces a condensate byproduct of natural gas that sells for the exact same price as crude oil.
Based on lower-end estimates, the well could generate almost $2.5 million in annual revenue—and that’s after recovering development costs and retaining a typical 25% working interest in the project.
But if the estimates turn out to be higher, a 90% stake in the Kenedy project could have annual revenues of up to $8.5 million!
That may not sound like much, but for an $11.4 million micro cap that could bring nice returns to early investors.
As with any investment, timing is everything…
Act now and in over the next 12 to 24 months, you could be looking at a 450% return with this contrarian turnaround micro cap stock, turning your $10,000 into $55,000.
Plus, you could still more than DOUBLE your money with Strategic American over the next 2 years—even if my profit projection is only half right.
Ready to take the next step? Click here to read my entire online report and analysis.
As the trend towards natural gas continues to increase, you can count on a micro cap supplier like Strategic American filling the need and making a handsome profit for investors. And for that we have a solid, experienced management team to thank...
Strategic American’s management is second to none Most investors underestimate the importance of a strong management team to the success of a company. Yet when it comes to a small company like Strategic American Oil (SGCA), an experienced and talented management team is absolutely crucial.
And the good news is Strategic American Oil has put together a terrific management team that makes it more likely the company will achieve great success and deliver stellar profits to investors.
In fact…
Strategic American’s upper management has a long history of major energy projects producing millions dollars worth of oil and gas as well as big returns for shareholders. Every team member understands local geology and can exploit it to the fullest extent. Every team member understands how micro caps really work. That’s why Strategic American has brought on board a hand-selected a team of professionals who think like entrepreneurs. By drawing on an internationally recognized team of geologists, engineers and management executives with extensive domestic oil and gas exploration and production experience, Strategic American is well-positioned to potentially bring you 5-fold profits.
Get in now…while the getting is good I’m advising my readers to use this opportunity to further diversify their portfolios—and to get in while the getting is good.
But don’t forget that micro cap stocks always come with risk. Still…
Strategic American Oil Corporation (OTCBB: SGCA) could have the potential to win with its strategy of tapping into the hidden riches that have been left in our country’s old and forgotten wells and reservoirs.
Without a doubt, Strategic American is on track to be one of my big winners for 2011 and beyond. That’s why I’m encouraging my readers to get in now while the stock price is still just pennies.
Within 12–24 months, you could be thanking me (as many of my readers have) when you see potential profits of 450% turn your $10,000 investment into $55,000.
But you can’t profit if you don’t take action. That’s why I urge you to visit for more detailed information and then call your discount broker today.
And you can stay up to date with my latest advice on Strategic American Oil by claiming your copy of my Lessons from the Great Investors Kit, which includes subscriptions to my 2 online newsletters, Flaherty Financial News and Flaherty Special Situations, as well as 3 Special Reports. For all the details,click here.
Please don’t miss this unique opportunity to make a potential 450% profit with Strategic American Oil (SGCA).
It could be a great place to be as energy prices increase in the months ahead.
For greater profits,
Bob Flaherty, Editor and Chairman Flaherty Financial News and Flaherty Special Situations
P.S. Click here to read my in-depth report and analysis on Strategic American Oil (SGCA), especially if you’d like to be one of those lucky investors who emerges from this recession with even greater wealth. Visit now and I’ll show you how you could turn $10,000 into $55,000 in just 12 to 24 months.
P.P.S. Go to where I’ll detail 5 profit-fueling factors I believe will help this micro cap take off like a heat-seeking, 450% profit missile. As I said earlier, even if I’m only half right, you could at least double your money. Disclaimer: Flaherty Financial News and Flaherty Special Situations Newsletters are independent newsletters. This online report is a solicitation for subscriptions and a paid promotional advertisement of Strategic American Oil Corp. Flaherty Financial News Inc. received ten thousand dollars from Brooke Capital Investments, LLC, which it received from a shareholder(s) of Strategic American Oil Corp. (herein after “The Featured Company”), who may sell shares of the featured Company at or about the time of the online distribution of this report. This company was chosen to be profiled after Flaherty Financial News Inc. completed due diligence on the company. Flaherty Financial News Inc.'s complete Disclaimer and Safe Harbor Statement appears at the conclusion of its newsletter report on Strategic American. Flaherty Financial News and Flaherty Special Situations Newsletters expect to generate revenue and new online newsletter subscribers and valuable exposure, the amount of which is unknown at this time, resulting from the distribution of this online report. Brooke Capital Investments, LLC paid thirty-two thousand, one hundred seventy dollars, which it received from a shareholder(s) of the featured Company who may sell shares of the featured Company at or about the time this online report is distributed, to advertising agencies for the costs of creating and distributing it in an effort to build investor awareness. This report does not provide an analysis of a company’s financial position. The featured Company’s financial position and all other information regarding the featured Company should be verified directly with the company. Information about many publicly traded companies and other relevant information can be found at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s website at It is recommended that any investment in any security should be made only after consulting with your investment advisor and only after reviewing all publicly available information, including the financial statements of the issuing company. This report is not intended to be, nor should it be construed as, an offer to buy or sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy or sell securities, or as a recommendation of the purchase of the featured Company’s securities. Flaherty Financial News Inc. presents information in this report believed to be reliable, but its accuracy cannot be guaranteed. |