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Technology Stocks : The *NEW* Frank Coluccio Technology Forum

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To: Frank A. Coluccio who wrote (31016)8/17/2009 3:24:24 AM
From: axial  Read Replies (1) of 46820
"So whaddayathink? Ya think it's time I assumed an alias in these parts? Eh?"

Maybe. It's a question of degree isn't it? Nobody works in a completely honest system. Not judges, not cops, not purchasing departments, not governments, not unions.

"Yet, bizarre occurrences appear to unfold regularly, and when all else fails the answer is: Forbear it. Again and again and again until you've created a revolving door of forbearance."

When does forbearance become acceptance? I don't know, but at some point we begin to realize there's no practical difference between our supposed "morality" and that of the Banana Republics we disdain.

Then, we're not just talking about petty graft by low-level players, we're contemplating systemic corruption that goes to the highest offices in commerce and government. In many cases at present, corruption occurs in so many sophisticated ways that it's indistinguishable from business as usual.

Are we there yet?

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