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Politics : Obama Watch

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To: zamboz who wrote (281)6/8/2009 1:52:24 AM
From: LTK007   of 290
Rick i should state that i got an e-mail that supports your view.
i will not identify this poster.

i end up saying i am placing you and this person on ignore, and say why.
Ignore does not mean BANNED.

<<You obviously agree wirh Rick.
i have thought about this DEEPLY, years, i need not reconsider.
i will go to my grave refusing to agree with the choosing the lesser of two evils argument as rational.i call it Sophie's Choice. Sophie was always comprising , did not have fixed values, in the end she got the choice of choosing which of her children dies.

One MUST NOT vote if both candidates are counter to one's deepest values.
By voting the lesser of two evils is to support the continuual degeneration of the human race.

i retract NOTHING

If this country had a committed group to refuse to vate when there is no real choice could lead to a revolution.

But Bing/Farrell in that Terminator/Twitter post presents the reality, such that this revolution to greater values will NEVER happen.

"10. You'll forget ... you can fight back, but the will is gone
Bing ends gently: "We just forgot all this stuff. Stuff? What stuff?" ... fade to black."

Your post was a superflously polite way of saying i am "full of shit" Believe me i don't need coffee and to reconsider my post to Rick

So, O.K., we have an understanding.

You like living by LOWER STANDARDS than i.That's your choice.

Like Rick, you will learn in time, what your support of "This Democracy" and thus your support of this plutocracy will end.
We are heading for a bad end.

i must demonstrate the depth of my conviction by placing both and Rick on ignore.

Peace, Max

p.s. the putting on Ignore is the ONLY way i can get the message out, i have deep conviction that the good hearted OPTIMIST can't can't handle, as they still have The Faith in Political Man.
Why communicate??? There is no reason, there is an ABYSS between us, why waste words in debate?????

i will later dig up a brilliant article from Harper's describing how utterly fallacious the idea we have democracy in the U.S. and depicts this country is but a process of a diseased political system.>>

John Foster Wallace view that in the end the POTUS becomes a Madison Avenue product is at hand.>>

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