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Pastimes : The Philosopher's Thread

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To: GROUND ZERO™ who wrote (11)12/14/2008 11:17:07 AM
From: koan  Read Replies (1) of 71
There is no use in debating the existence of any of the 5,000+ religions, as there is no direct evidence that any of the multitude of gods is real, which would be accepted by the scientific community.

Absent any evidence, or even logic, debate about religion becomes just a simple argument. Which is senseless and a waste of time. Nothing is ever learned.

One cannot say we have laws, therefore god exists. In economics they have a saying for making a connection like that. It is the fallacy of "Post hoc ergo proptor hoc" -translated: "that is, therefore because of this".

Primates have laws, all ancient tribes had laws, the ancient Greeks 350 BC, spent zillions of hours discussing all sorts of laws and even democracy and they were not very religious. In fact Plato said: "for those who cannot understand, let them count beads".

On the other hand there is tons of direct scientific evidence of our evolution from primates.

I will not debate religion absent evidence. I believe religion was thought up before we had science, and we did not understand the world very well.

In fact I am surprised at how many educated people still believe in something which cannot be proved.
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