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Pastimes : The new NFL

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To: Fuzzy who wrote (20603)12/29/2007 11:15:29 AM
From: Carolyn  Read Replies (2) of 84372
Tennessee -6.5 At Indianapolis
New England -14.5 At NY Giants

1) Tom C - 15 Tenn/NE
2) Gloop - 15
3) Bob Newton 16 Indy/Pats
4) Rudi - 20 Indy / Giants
5) Glenn - 14
6) Richardred 23 Titans/Giants made in a PM dated 12/28 12:04 AM EST
7) Jim M - 18 indy/giants
8) Fuzzy - 19 INDY/NY
9) JakeStraw - 24 Tennessee/New York (richard made his pick before you posted yours)
10) longnshort - 20 PM to my Lawyer for the up coming class action suit
11) Ish - 16 Indy/NE
12) SirVinny - 19 Colts/Pats
13) SE – 15 Titans/Giants
14) Nemer - 18 Ponies/Pattys
15) Bill – 18 Indy/NE
16) Hail "Elroy" Mary - 17, Indianapolis/New England
17) Jagfan - 15 colts/Pats
18) Carolyn - 20 Indianapolis/New York
19) Tim - 16 Colts/Giants
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