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Technology Stocks : USSB

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To: greenspirit who wrote (48)10/10/1997 3:24:00 AM
From: Crossy   of 62
thanks for Your analysis. There's another factor, I just thought of yesterday. With so many governments' attempt at censuring free speech on the net, a SAT - based provider will turn out to be a powerful vehicle against ALMOST ANY means of censorship. In fact, I'm looking forward to people circumventing odd local "community" rules (pertaining p.e. in Australia, Britain etc.) by using a service out of reach for local jurisdiction..

The revenue curve for USSB looks very promising. Alsmost all of cable/SAT companies are still in the red because capital expenditure is huge at the beginning of their corporate life. However USSB already progressed to a point where they almost broke even last quarter (net loss on continuing operations = 0.05 $). This implied loss of 0.20 per Year sharply contrasts with historical numbers of $1.00 loss per share annually. Extrapolating this trend I expect solid profitability in 1998, with the potential of nicely leveraged gains in the future.

best wishes
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