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Gold/Mining/Energy : Strictly: Oil and Gas Exploration Companies

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From: JOHNCO7/9/2006 5:57:32 AM
   of 318
Hi Puddlegum,

Oil production and drilling companies are in demand provided they have an excellent past record with great management. And those are hard to find.

I have asked the same questions as you have how much does it cost to explore and find profitable oil & gas fields? How much does it cost to develop that oil & gas field? How much does it cost to lift up the oil & gas? But I do not know the answers.

Secondly, a number of the stock symbols you have listed are either no longer around such as BR or UPR or OES is not the right symbol. And the nearest I can find is UPRD which is currently a penny stock at $0.02. BR I believe was a company that was bought out by another outfit. OES is another one is not around if ever.

APA Apache Oil Company is a good company but somewhat high in price relative to its earnings growth. And so that would not interest me. APC Anardarko Petroleum Corp is also high priced relative to earnings plus it is in the process of buying up two other entergy companies at the same time, and I might add at relatively high prices.

I am sorry, but I would not be interested in your choices but sure would like to have answers to the questions you posed.

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