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Gold/Mining/Energy : Casavant Mining Kimberlite International (CMKM)

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To: StockDung who wrote (2257)6/26/2006 1:35:30 PM
From: rrufff  Read Replies (1) of 2593
Ask yourself, "who is the crybaby," after reading that article. I'd respectfully suggest it is those who have counted on the easy money in the NSScam.

Also look at the comment about penny stocks. The article claims that Reg. Sho has led to speculative inflationary excess in penny stocks. Yet, those who defend the industry typically argue and post that there is almost no shorting in penny stocks and clearly no Naked Short Scamming.

The author uses the terms legal shorting and NSS almost interchangeably and you have to wonder if he really knows the difference. His logical conclusion, although not expressed, is that those who decide a company has no value or is over-valued should have free-reign in doing what they wish to do a as they are "ombudsman," another name for the "Batman defense," so discredited over the past year.

I have to agree with the comments about GHLT and I know of one short seller whose borrow was pulled. That's why we both agreed that, rather than pointing fingers and calling names, the whole system needs to be changed as I have often argued. Shorting scammy stocks should be available in a clear and understood fashion and not just the opportunity of scammers and the moneyed interests. OTOH, manipulative practices of hedge funds and prime brokers and abuses by MM's should be reigned in.
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