Cycle Country Accessories Corp. Has Strong End to Fiscal Year; Company Enters 25th Year on High Note 10/4/2005 7:00:01 AM
MILFORD, Iowa, Oct 04, 2005 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Cycle Country Accessories Corp. (ATC), the recognized leader in developing and manufacturing a variety of products for the all terrain vehicle (ATV), garden tractors, and golf carts today announced it has had a strong finish to its 2005 fiscal year.
While final numbers have not yet been released, President and CEO Ron Hickman said shareholders can expect an increase in revenue of 10% over last year for the month of September. September's revenue is expected to be about $1.9 million compared to $1.7 million in September 2004.
The company also experienced record breaking months in two of the last four months of its fiscal year. June and September produced record numbers of units sold for snowplows. Those figures are based on the number of push tubes sold in those months.
"We're finishing the year strong," said Hickman. "And we're very encouraged going into next year. Demand for our product is very strong, and we expect that to continue right through the winter."
Hickman noted that production schedules continue to remain busy going into the next fiscal year, with October being completely booked.
About Cycle Country Accessories Corporation
Cycle Country, with over 50% of the worldwide market in several product categories, is the industry leader in the design and manufacturing of custom-fitting accessories for virtually every brand of utility all-terrain vehicles (ATV's). Cycle Country also produces accessories for the lawn and garden market through its subsidiary, Weekend Warrior and makes high performance oil filters for the motorsports industry through its wholly owned subsidiary, Perf-Form. In April of 2005, Cycle Country acquired Simonsen Iron Works, now operating as Cycle Country, Spencer, providing metal fabrication.
SOURCE: Cycle Country Accessories Corp. Magellan Financial Media Group David Dozier, 317-867-2839 . |