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Politics : World Affairs Discussion

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To: pie-faced-mutt who wrote (3951)6/22/2005 5:33:17 AM
From: GUSTAVE JAEGER  Read Replies (1) of 3959
At least the Japanese see through the US's cunning trick to foil Japan's bid to the UNSC:

US steps on Japan's toes
By J Sean Curtin

- As the battle over United Nations reform intensifies, Japan's carefully crafted strategy for gaining a permanent UN Security Council (UNSC) seat has been thrown into disarray by new US proposals, making Tokyo suspicious of Washington's motives. Late last week, the George W Bush administration announced its vision for UNSC reform, which included a new permanent seat for Japan and another for an unspecified country.

The problem with this seemingly Tokyo-friendly proposal is that it may harm Japan's chances and directly conflicts with the country's own policy of obtaining a seat through mutual cooperation with Germany, India and Brazil in the so-called Group of Four (G-4)of other contenders.

Tokyo believes the G-4 offers it the only viable way to overcome increasingly strong Chinese opposition to its candidacy and sees little hope of US proposals actually being implemented. It calculates that only the combined efforts of the G-4 have any chance of gaining the support of more than 128 UN member states, the two-thirds of the organization necessary for a resolution to be adopted.

Ring a bell? The US administration used the same hypocrisy to wreck Turkey's EU bid:
Message 20285775
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