Dr M's Thoughts about the roomers of a Gmed buyout:
Dear ,
There's no way we'd sell out cheaply, not when each wild card patent would be worth two years of a $3 billion a year drug. We may have the makings of 20 or 30 of these wild card patents. Do the math: $3B/yr x 2 yr/wild-card x 30 wild-card patents = $180 B.
We'd also have to retain full operational control over our Next Generation DM(tm) activities in any acquisition.
So if we get acquired, it won't be cheap. My goal remains to be huge ourselves. I just wanted people to have some idea of the magnitude of what we might be sitting on, since (a) preventing kidney dialysis, (b) significantly delaying emphysema, (c) finding the aging gene for all vertebrate species, (d) being able to predict which Caucasians will get which of the top six solid cancers, (e) having a potential broad-spectrum anti-viral treatment, (f) having a SNPnet which can efficiently find predisposition genes for all cancers in all ethnic groups, and (g) inventing a business model that finally makes preventive medicine profitable, have evidently not been enough to be valued by the market at more than 6 cents a share.
All I can say is, talk about a tough audience! Enron, etc. did more than just destroy consumer confidence. Those boys destroyed trust in any company. Then again, maybe our problem is just lack of publicity. I continue to think that 80 million Baby Boomers might appreciate knowing about (c), at the very least. Unless they still think they're going to live forever, as we did in 1968.
Yours sincerely, Dave Moskowitz MD ragingbull.lycos.com |