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Strategies & Market Trends : Banned.......Replies to the A@P thread.

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To: scion who wrote (1533)1/3/2005 9:47:06 AM
From: Louie_al-Arouri  Read Replies (2) of 5425
scionist, exactly how does speculating and fixating on Pugs make the stock promotions your company participated in on Pathways go away?

Disclaimer: is a property of Market Pathways Financial Relations Incorporated (MP). The information, opinions and analysis contained herein are based on sources believed to be reliable but no representation, expressed or implied, is made as to its accuracy, completeness or correctness. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. This report is a paid advertisement and is for information purposes only and should not be used as the basis for any investment decision. MP has been compensated fifteen thousand dollars by RPMM for preparation and distribution of this report and other advertising services. This constitutes a conflict of interest as to MP’s ability to remain objective in its communication regarding the subject company.

The above disclaimer is exactly the kind of the thing that makes the WebFraud3 go bonkers, yet your company has participated in numerous Market Pathways stock promotions - the ultimate hyprocisy. Much like Jeff Mitchell owning & operating a website profiling scams like Henry Lanham's PRVT, a stock promotion run out of Lanham's Vietnam ops while bashing stocks less scammy than the ones profiled on his!.
You try to dismiss your actions and claim I am "wrong", yet anyone can source profiles. Are you denying your company was PR'd in "partnerships" with RPMM and NATK? Aren't both of these toxic financing deals? Has anything in the PR's actually happened? I see RPMM settled with shares against "customers" threatening lawsuits. Why didn't TEVT/Mortile settle? Even when Richard Surber, Allen Wolfson and Hudson Consulting Group joined in and sued TEVT after you and your company did, even while you bashed and disparaged TEVT/Mortile day & night with scores of aliases, TEVT refused to give in to you, Wolfson & Surber. Just think if the markets Tony is accused of threatening and intimidating would've stood up to Tony like TEVT stood up to you and Wolfson? If you think claim that I'm "wrong" again, simply pull TEVT's last 10KSB and review 'legal proceedings'.
No one on SI will ever call you on your actions. The "pugs" speculations are so much more compelling. ;0)
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