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Politics : Foreign Affairs Discussion Group

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From: cnyndwllr11/3/2004 4:08:47 AM
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Let me be one of the first to congratulate those of you who were supporting the Bush ticket. Many of us are disappointed although not surprised. It was a tough election fought very well by the Bush/Cheney election team and clearly won in the hearts and minds of a slim majority of Americans.

I doubt that this Bush win will change any minds among those of us who strongly oppose the ideology and/or the policies of the Bush Administration. I imagine that the battle lines will remain locked and that we are in for another four turbulent years. I hope the chickens that Bush hatched don't come home to roost but I'm not hopeful.

I do believe that the true conservatives who think with their minds and not their "guts," will join with moderates to rein in faith-based, neocon, magical thinkers.

Let the struggle continue.
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