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Politics : Foreign Affairs Discussion Group

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To: Win Smith who wrote (148770)10/23/2004 11:15:38 AM
From: Michael Watkins   of 281500
The lack of public understanding of what is real vs what is spin doesn't surprise me. And its not just spinmeister Rove that is to blame for this. Public ignorance is epidemic.

Clearly the public at large doesn't get more real news than the 5 minutes of sound-bites delivered between the local news show opening graphics and the cute weathergirl.

Somewhere in that 5 minutes, 3 minutes are taken up with stories of the latest local robbery, gun deaths, fatal traffic accident, and a "human interest" story on a dog/pig/bird/child/old house/guy who can tow a semi-trailer with nothing but a rope and his teeth.

30 seconds are devoted to the exit for "breaking for important messages" and saying hello to the sportscaster and flirting with the cute weather girl before launching into the final 90 seconds on important national and international news.

Most of that time is wasted on pictures of both candidates and their latest rally; absolutely none of it is devoted to critical analysis or expose of what is really happening in the world.

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