The post written by Pugs brings back memories of the days when he tried to be smart...(s) Of course after seeing his pictures, we know he is not rock solid...
Kugler, they're patronizing you BECAUSE your giving answers, UNFORTUNAtely, they are not 'TRUE' answers. You're taking advantage of a situation where shakey investors are vulnerable. Riley can't talk much-LAWSUIT/MORK, Morgan and Breton , are not only facing litigation from Mork, but are also getting financials together for public assimilation. You may be able to shake shares w/ your 144 nonsense from shakey investors, but rest assured, the FOUNDATION,CALVARY &CARTEL are rock solid AND WE CONTROL THE FLOAT!! MORK STILL HAS HIS WORK CUT OUT FOR HIM, You can't scare us w/ your silliness, so , sure, there are those who "WANT ANSWERS" and they'll listen to your tripe, but the rst of us want "THE TRUTH", and we'll wait for the proper time, in the natural course of things. ROCK SOLID!, Pugs |