Gustave... spare me the military history lesson... From what I've seen of your grasp of the topic, I wouldn't expect that you have anything to teach me (at least nothing I could find credible)..
Hitler suffered his greatest military setback of the war in the summer of 1944.
1944 is NOT 1943, Gustave... And you don't need to tutor me about the destruction of Army Group Center, either..
You simply stated that Nazi Germany was facing a Bolshevik revolution in 1943 (not 1944, not 1945).. An internal revolution, and not an external invasion...
And the fact that all throughout 1944 and 1945, while Soviet forces were pressing towards the German border from east and south, and Nazi allies were switching sides (Rumania, Bulgaria, and Hungary), NO SUCH REVOLUTION EVER OCCURRED.
What you fail to understand Gustave is that the Germans fought the War in Russia giving no quarter, and asking none in return. The German people KNEW what was coming towards them and the inevitable retaliation they faced for their brutality towards the "sub-human slavs"..
Consequently, they fought even harder (when they couldn't manage to flee to the West), and sometimes in a fanatical manner... For they knew they were fighting for the very survival of the German state, the German people, and the German identity.
Hawk |