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Technology Stocks : BOWG/, a GCTY with a twist

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To: Glenn Petersen who wrote (169)1/8/2004 5:50:16 PM
From: ms.smartest.person  Read Replies (1) of 174
Frikadella is delicious ... and where are you going for the next 2 months? I think it might be Frikadeller?

Do you feel neglected & deprived that no one fed you Danish cooking growing up? You should, I did.

I love Lamb, but I don't think I would like this recipe from your cborgnaes website:

Grilled Lamb's Head - Grilleret lammehoved

Take half a lamb's head for each person. Cut the head in two and remove the brain. Clean the head well and soak it for an hour in cold water before putting it to boil in salted water. The tongue is cooked with it. Tongue and head must boil until they can be easily skinned, then trim and clean well. Take out the roof of the mouth, cut out eyes and ears, but leave the fat behind the eyes. Cut the tongue in halves, dip it and the head in a beaten egg and breadcrumbs mixed with salt and pepper and a little chopped parsley. Put the lamb's head in a frying pan with butter and fry it 'til brown - it is then ready to be served. Garnish with spinach, asparagus, cauliflower or any other vegetable.

I just lost my appetite! :^(
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