Re: There a crazies in every culture, heck look at the USA and al gore. :o)
This guys words sound more like they are from the other end of the horse.
Well... expectedly, it didn't take too long for Judeofascists to froth over rabbi Sacks' interview:
Now aged 54, Sacks assumed his current role in 1991 and could remain in his post until he is 65. He is regarded as an intellectual heavyweight and was considered to be among the brightest postwar students at Cambridge University, where he received the university's highest honors for his doctorate in philosophy.
There is no doubt that Sacks's outburst will resonate among a large section of the community, including Prime Minister Tony Blair's personal envoy to the Middle East, Lord Michael Levy, which embraces a liberal-left approach to Israeli political affairs.
However, it is likely to be frostily received by the heartland of Sacks's constituency, the modern Orthodox United Synagogues center of the community.
"This kind of thing makes me ashamed," one member of the United Synagogues told The Jerusalem Post yesterday. "Whether Sacks really believes what he is saying or not, he should not be using public platforms in this way to sell his books. "Israel has enough problems, especially with the Guardian, without Sacks turning the demonization of Israel into a commercial venture."
The British Likud movement accused Sacks of "moral blindness" and said it was "unfortunate" that he had "allowed himself to be used by people who, at best, cannot be described as friends of Israel." "Some of his comments, as reported in the media, can only act as an encouragement to our enemies to further intransigence and violence against Israel and the Jewish people "By failing to recognize that Israel is acting in the highest traditions of the Jewish people," added a spokesman, "the chief rabbi is displaying a moral blindness."
The religious Betar youth group, among the first to react to Sacks's reported comments, demanded his resignation, calling his remarks "a disservice to Israel, British Jewry, and world Jewry at large... When anti-Semitism in Britain and the world is rising we do not expect our chief rabbi to support the enemies of Israel and their propaganda."
Yitzhak Rath, the spokesman for Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi Yisrael Lau, quoted him as saying, "It's hard to believe that [Sacks] really said what was quoted in his name." He added that Lau would verify Sacks's reported remarks before commenting further. _______________________________
Who knows? Rabbi Sacks' candid utterances might prompt the Israeli Gestapo to put him on its "blacklist"....
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