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Gold/Mining/Energy : Cora ressources - KRA(VSE)

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To: Michael Warren who wrote (154)7/13/1997 6:49:00 PM
From: Margy Cadieux   of 179
Michael, you sound like my twin.
I bought this worthless stock on the GURU's recommendation.
>> "Guru sees the stock at 2.50$...It is a buy under $0.50 according to him."
It taught me a valuable lesson. Don't buy on hype....
I'd been better off never reading and accepting anyone's opinion on anything.
I've been following about 20 some odd stocks that were considered hot buys, and all but one are down at least half from their initial worth when their recommendations came out.
At this rate, I'd be in the poor house......
I'm not a believer anymore.
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