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Technology Stocks : EISQ: Electronic Identification, Inc.

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To: Leroyt who wrote (212)2/7/2002 5:11:33 PM
From: Leroyt   of 213
BIG DEAL! (I belive)

Advanced Biometrics, Inc. and Electronic Identification, Inc. Announce Share Exchange

Got calls into three people to get a DETAILING of this agreement with ABI and EISQ. Share exchange.

EISQ do reverse 8:1.
Share exchange such that ABI will have controlling interest.

I ASSUME: current shareholders will get shares of ABI. PR doesn't detail this part but I ASSUME that each shareholder (after 8:1 reverse) will get one share of ABI.

That would be about $2.70 per share of EISQ.
ABI currently trades at $21.

From what I understand of EISQ, those numbers sound about right.

Anyone else WATCHING???

later, leroyt
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