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Pastimes : Gary Dobry Subpoenas 41 SI Aliases

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To: scion who wrote (144)1/19/2002 8:55:41 PM
From: scion  Read Replies (1) of 1136


The following is a partial and ever-growing list of people whom Gary Dobry has attacked, reviled, libeled, and/or lied about in his “Permeating” manifesto—soon, he vainly hopes, to be a book—and in countless online posts written under dozens of aliases.

What’s the connecting link or links among this bewildering list of people and entities? We have no idea. Dobry vaguely associates them with “organized crime”, “money laundering”, and the “Russian mob”. Unfortunately for him, the only really reliable information he provides has been taken—frequently plagiarized—from print sources on the Mafia. The rest is sheer insane conjecture on his part, except for material he drew from posts contributed to the AZNT Raging Bull and Silicon Investor threads written, paradoxically, by the people he hopes to “prove” are engaged in the activities he purports to “expose”.

We’ve done what we can to present the facts about the people on his “hit list”. It hasn’t always been possible to come up with precise information, as Dobry’s “writings” are frequently obscure and even more frequently incomprehensible. He never sources, never adduces what any real researcher would consider to be documentation, and often misspells names.

The result is a hodge-podge of old chestnuts about the mob and money laundering mixed with malicious aspersions cast on entirely innocent people. His refusal to accept the fact that well-known individuals are precisely who they say they are, and his outrageous misuse of “credit headers” purchased from online sources have angered many, and, as the content of this List becomes better known, will anger many more.

This is a work in progress. More names will be added, more, and more precise, identifications will be made.

And Dobry, a warning for you: we’ve got copyright on this list: don’t try to use it to clean up your act. This is OUR research, and as sketchy and quickly thrown together as it is, it’s far superior to what you spent months cooking up.

Read it carefully, Dobry, and be embarrassed by your dreadful and reckless mistakes. You WILL pay for them, we sincerely hope.


For those whose names appear here, Dobry and his accomplices have named you in his writings and posts. If you decide that you will contact Dobry to remove your names from his scurrilous writings, and Dobry does delete your names, please let us know and we'll remove your names from this list.

3-M-Financial Corporation – a Louisiana corporation
A.S. Goldmen, Inc. – sleazy brokerage with alleged Mob ties
aaaa (screen name) – mysterious poster who knows a great deal about Dobry
Abramo, Philip – alleged New York City mobster, member of the De Cavalcante family
AccessTradeONE Commodities – firm in Los Angeles run by Elton Johnson, Jr
Adelman, Robin - ???
ADLP – defunct penny stock company
Adventure Challenge, Inc. - ???
Ageloff, Roy – allegedly the power behind PCM Securities; reputed mobster
Aikman, Shannon C. - ???
Alexis International – company owned by Michael Zapara
Alexis Stock Transfer – company owned by Gina Zapara
Alioto, John – once head of the Milwaukee branch of La Cosa Nostra; died 1961. Another John Alioto is a California attorney sanctioned by the Bar in 1997
Alioto, Joseph – former mayor of San Francisco and California attorney. His suspension from the CA Bar has twice been recommended, the last time in 1997.
Alioto, Linda Marchese – ????
Alioto, Michaela – a member of Al Gore’s domestic policy team when he served as Vice President – a website under construction
Allen, Paul – Microsoft co-founder and head of Vulcan Ventures
Allen, Sylvia (“Toni”) – Richard T Marchese’s ex-wife
Allen, Tim – alleged by Dobry to be Richard Marchese’s half-brother by a different mother; a preposterous idea
Allied Capital Group, Inc. – a “commercial finance intermediary”
Alphatrade, Inc (EBNK) – a penny stock company offering market quotes
Amazon Natural – a penny stock company currently being sued by the SEC; hyped by Dobry for more than two years
American Dream Company – either a telecommunications company, an mlm outfit, or a building contractor; you choose
American National Bank of New York – a failed bank, some of whose assets were acquired by the Bank of New York in 1997
Amerivet Dymally Securities – see Amerivet Securities
Amerivet Securities – a brokerage firm described as “A Disabled U.S. Veteran Owned and Operated Business Enterprise”; run by Elton Johnson, Jr; recently sanctioned by the SEC
Anders, Jason – reporter for the Wall Street Journal
Anderson Travel Service – a travel agency in Palm Springs
Annunziata, Robert – well-known New York businessman; former CEO of Global Crossing
Association of Louisiana Arts and Artists – a volunteer organization in Louisiana that for some reason has been targeted by Dobry
Atwell, Robert – former CEO of ITHC, a failed penny stock company
AWOLXX (screen name) – Raging Bull poster

Baker, C. C. – see Christina Christensen
Baker, Dean - Silicon Investor poster and diplomat working at the U.S. Consulate in Sarajevo
Bankers Fidelity Mortgage Corp – a home loan company based in Yorba Linda, California
Bittachon Holdings – bittachons are a type of dog; a neighbor of Dobry’s owns one
Boros, Tamas - Hungarian restauranteur
Bowden, Peter – there are many people by this name; hard to tell which Dobry has in mind, unless they’re All the Same Person
Bowling, C.S. - ???
Bowlings, William - ???
Breton, Roland – with Gary Morgan, former head of RMIL/OVIS, a penny stock scam hyped by Dobry
British Intelligence (branch not specified) – supplier of information to Dobry, he claims
Brody, Ed - Investor Relations contact for OVIS
Bua, Carmine – Los Angeles attorney with connections to the penny stock market
Burdick, Bryan – former managing director of Silicon Investor
Burma, crank trade – alleged by Dobry to have something to do with all this
Bush, George – former U.S. President; alleged by Dobry to have sinister connections to Global Crossing

Cal – part-time employee of Dante Dey la Vega
Caldron, P. L. - ???
Campbell, Ethan – Former General Counsel of Go2Net
Canadian Depository – the Canadian equivalent of the U.S. Depository Trust Company
Canyon Investments, Inc. – a California company owned by Karen and Jackson Johnson; related to Canyon Systems. Went bankrupt in 1997.
Canyon National Bank – a bank in Palm Springs, CA. No connection to Canyon Investments or Canyon Systems
Caribbean Motor Works – manufacturer of the Jeep Islander Sport Utlity Vehicle. Wellrich of Texas was sued by the Wyoming Securities Division for selling Caribbean Motor Works paper without a license
CarlW (screen name) – poster active on the Raging Bull AZNT board
Carmichael, Kerry – Silicon Investor and Raging Bull poster; alleged by Dobry to have “hyped” NNZA
CashQuest Corp., Inc. – the Web porn site company?
Cassing, Max Craig – A lawyer reciprocally disbarred in Missouri after California earlier disbarred him for trust account violations. Works or worked for Triangle Multimedia.
Catoggio, Robert – broker associated with the Colombo crime family; arrested by the FBI in a sting operation in 1997
Chase, Marilyn – the Wall Street Journal columnist???
Che Guevara (screen name) – Raging Bull poster and shortseller of penny stocks
Chino Drive Trust - ???
Christensen, Christina – friend of Richard Marchese
Cimino, Cary – former broker who has problems with the SEC; recommended Andy Mann to Mike Sylver of AZNT
Ciraulo, Joe – a poster at Raging Bull; QBID long
Clayton, Robert – U.S. Representative from Missouri; chairman of the House Ethics Committee
Cobbs, Chris – former employee of Peter Schur’s IMS
Cohen, Jesse – CEO of IchargeIt (ICHG)
Colombo crime family – New York mobsters
Conklin, Tsurko S. - ???
Copia, Joe – momo trader and frequent poster at Silicon Investor and Raging Bull
Coppola, Michael “Trigger Mike” – member of the Genovese crime family active in the 1940s and 1950s
Coppola, Michael and Ann – a couple living in Rochester, N.Y. Despite Dobry’s contentions, they have nothing to do with Coppola the mobster. Michael is a photographer.
Cotterell, Robin –(former?) president of Andy Mann’s GTrade
CPS - CA Janice Shell’s employer, alleged by Dobry to be engaged in “datamining”. In reality, they provide job placement services and training.
Creative Capital Management Corporation – George Doumanis’s brokerage; at one time AZNT’s “investment banker”
Current Rate, Inc. - ???

Daragahi, Borzou – journalist employed by Money Magazine; accused by Dobry of having been paid to profile Janice Shell
Davis, William (Bill) – broker who works at Creative Capital
De Cavalcante Crime Family – New York mobsters
De Monte, Cynthia – owner of an investor relations and PR company in New York; briefly contracted by Mike Sylver of AZNT
Deak Enterprises
Deak Perera Capital Markets – foreign company that once owned a quantity of preferred stock in GMKT
Deak Perera U.S. -
Deak, Nicholas – former head of Deak Perera; active in intelligence and money laundering; died 1984
Deak, Robbie – artist and owner of an art gallery in the U.K.
Deak, Robert Leslie – former Teamster attorney
deak-perera (screen name) – poster on Raging Bull, chiefly active on the GMKT, GAAY, and QBID threads
Denali, Inc.- company run by James L. Vandeberg
Dennis, Terry – computer programmer; former CEO of PINC; former CEO of FBN Associates, an April Fool’s company
Denton Hall, LLC – British law firm with an office in Moscow; Dobry implies that it’s run by the Russian Mafia
Denton Wilde Sapte – see Denton Hall
Depository Trust Company – the world’s largest securities depository; a clearinghouse for the settlement of trades in corporate and municipal securities
Dey La Vega, Dante – fencer and sometime trader; deceased
DiCarli, Gary -
DIGS – a Nasdaq company called
Dinassio, Dominick “Black Dom” – allegedly controlled the brokerage Euro-Atlantic
Diverse World, Inc. - ???
DLIL – Diamond Laser, the penny stock shell that GMKT reversed into
Donovan, William (“Wild Bill”) – founder of the OSS
Doumanis, Danny – George Doumanis’s brother; AZNT shareholder and later an officer of Gtrade’s U.S. division
Doumanis, George – owner of Creative Capital, a brokerage
Dream Net - ???
Dryer, Jeff and Brad – the founders of Silicon Investor; suspect for that reason
DuCote, Gerard – ???
Duke, Patty – former child actress; Dobry has yet to clarify her role in the Conspiracy
Dumont, Dean – fundraiser hired by Mike Sylver to locate financing for AZNT; accused by Dobry of being a “traitor” because he realized Mike Sylver was telling lies and sold his stock

Echols, Doyle – Missions Coordinator for the St Louis Metro Baptist Association
Elgindy, Anthony – former broker, currently a private trader; has a private website and comments frequently at Silicon Investor. Recently served a jail term for fraud involving disability claims made in the early 1990s. Alleged by Dobry of getting up to no good with Paul Allen, of all people
Elliott, V. L. - official of the U.S. Agency for International Development; Dobry insinuates that he’s involved in the Burma drug trade
Engel, Hal – Honda dealer, Raging Bull poster, and paid profiler who runs the Willy Wizard financial website
Entertech Media Group – a company that’s served as a vendor to both Triangle Multimedia and Talk-Visual Corp.
Envizion Communications Group Ltd – a Colorado ISP that bought E-Znet, a small ISP in upstate New York, in April.
Erkkila, Paul – a techie who works for E-ZNet
Errol – a hamster, alleged by Dobry to have worked as a trader for Pacific International
Euro-Atlantic – brokerage controlled by Dominic “Black Dom” Dinassio
Evans and Lambert, Inc. – a PR company owned by Rod Evans and Joseph Lambert Pittera
Evans, Irene – a woman suspected by Dobry to be one of Janice Shell’s non-existent “California relatives”
Evans, Jennie – a woman suspected by Dobry to be “associated” with Rod Lambert, and also of being one of Janice Shell’s non-existent “California relatives”
Evans, Rod – Joseph Pittera’s partner in Evans and Lambert; alleged by Dobry to be one of Janice Shell’s non-existent “California relatives”
Evans, Sun Y – presumably another of the “California relatives”
Exclusive Pastime Incorporated - ???
Exodus, Inc. (EXDS) – an ISP in Santa Clara, California

Fasano, John – a former broker, now doing time in jail for his role in the Pignatiello scandal; formerly the IR person for AZNT. Dobry had several telephone conversations with him; Fasano bought some clothing from Dobry’s gym to give as Christmas presents.
Felonthecanvas (screen name) – RB poster active on the AZNT board
Ferrie, David – a favorite of conspiracy theorists; a former airline pilot believed by some to have planned the death of JFK and helped to spread HIV virus. Died in 1967; said by the same conspiracy theorists to have had links to the Mafia and the CIA
Fidelity Holding Corporation – a Texas insurance company that entered into a reverse takeover with Unistar Financial Service Corp. in 1998; now known as Unistar Financial Services. A subsidiary, Unistar Insurance, went bankrupt in May 2000.
Financial Internet Group – known since May 2000 as She’s Got Network, Inc. A spinoff of Original Media (OMDA).
First Concord – an offshore brokerage once owned by Andy Mann
First Southwest Company – an investment banking firm located in Dallas, Texas; founded in 1946
Fleckenstein Capital – trading company owned by William Fleckenstein
Fleckenstein, William – former director of GNET; active trader
Franzese, Gia – Michael Zwebner’s former girlfriend; died of a cocaine overdose in 1991
Franzese, John “Sonny” – mobster and bank robber who likes to play the markets
Frederick IV, Inc. – a Louisiana corporation
Funtide (screen name) – a poster on the RB GAAY and QBID threads

Gadabout Tours, Inc. – a travel agency in Palm Springs, California
Galasso, Sam - ???
Gambino Crime Family – a New York mafia family
Gandhi, Nimish – founder of the Niphix stock exchange, accused by Dobry of running a dirty operation
Gant, J. - ???
Gardner Green Corp - ???
Gates, William – founder of Microsoft
Gibson, Nicholas – alleged by Dobry to share a Social Security number with Robert Zumbrunnen
Gilani, Masood – an Iranian who worked for the NASD’s Special Investigations Unit. Fired in 1995, he sued the NASD for racial discrimination
Global Crossing, Inc. – an NYSE company. From the website: “Global Crossing provides seamless, fully managed communications platforms and value-added services to global corporations.” Dobry suggests it’s run by the Russian mob.
Global Strategies Group Inc – From the website: “Global Strategies Group members engage in various business activities, but they have two things in common. They can get the attention and reaction of their governments and/or their business community leaders when needed. And, they are quality, trustworthy people. Group members are longtime friends or acquaintances with extensive backgrounds in the politics, government and business in their respective countries. Suspected by Dobry of being a sinister arm of the “New World Order”.
GMKT – see AccessTradeOne
Go2Net, Inc. – a web portal that once owned Silicon Investor; Dobry alleges that it is engaged in “datamining” and is owned and operated by the Russian mafia
Goldman Sachs – a New York investment bank and brokerage
Gorkachov, Eugene – attorney who works or worked in the Moscow office of Denton Hall
Gotti, Jr., John – alleged New York Mob boss
Grant, Jim - ???
Graystone (screen name) – poster on various threads at Silicon Investor
Greenfield, Saul – a prominent urologist in upstate New York?
Grosso, Patrick – an SEC agent, but does Dobry have someone else in mind?
GTRD, fka NNZA, fka BNEK – a company controlled by Andy Mann, who gave some stock in it to Mike Sylver of AZNT

H. J. Meyers, Inc- broker/dealer sanctioned by the SEC
Hanover Trust – one assumes Dobry doesn’t mean Manny Hanny, but if not, who knows?
Haupt, Kathleen – CEO of Southeast Mortgage of Georgia, Inc.
Hemisphere Holdings– a Bermuda company that merged with several other companies to form Hemisphere Services
Hemisphere Securities, Inc.- a Bermuda company that merged with MRM Securities; the resulting entity is known as MRM Securities
Hicks, Tommy – poster on Silicon Investor and Raging Bull
Hoffa, Jimmy – former Teamster boss, who mysteriously disappeared from a restaurant parking lot in 1975
Horowitz, Russell – former CEO and chairman of Go2Net; former president and COO of Infospace
Hourglass Financial, Ltd. -
Hypermart, Inc. – Site host owned by Go2Net; therefore implicated in the Conspiracy; described by Dobry as a “playground for GNET”

Imagine Telecom – a small Southern California telecom with an office in Palm Springs; therefore suspect
IMC Home Equity Trust – appears to be a Florida loan company that went bankrupt in 1996
IMS – PR company owned by Peter Schur; now defunct
Infonautics, Inc – significant because it merged with Tucows in March.
Infospace – Internet portal and directory that recently owns Silicon Investor
Intergrated Healthcare (ITHC) – a failed penny stock whose shell became QBID
InterMountain Communications, Inc. – a web host and site design company in Northglenn, Colorado
International Alliance Trading – a Nevada company run by Brian Volmer and John Switzer; website is Investors Edge. Sanctioned by the SEC. Joseph Pittera is, according to Dobry, an “associate” of Volmer’s.
Ironclad Safe Enterprises, Inc. -
Isgro, Joe – executive producer of the movie “Hoffa”; arrested and charged with extortion in March 2000. Convicted and sentenced in November of that year; said to be a “soldier” of the Gambino crime family.

J. B. Oxford, Inc. – brokerage and clearing firm. Accused by Dobry and AZNT’s Mike Sylver of dirty dealings in AZNT stock
Jason Charles, Inc. – a Louisiana corporation
Jefferson Holdings, Inc. – a Louisiana corporation
JennE (screen name) – a poster active on the Raging Bull GAAY and QBID threads
Jihad, Sarab - receptionist at Wellrich, Inc.
Johnson, Carlos Elton – former broker, disciplined by the SEC; lives in Michigan; incorrectly identified by Dobry as Elton Johnson Jr of Amerivet
Johnson, Elton Jr – a disabled veteran; owner of Amerivet Securities
JSW Electric – A Georgia company that Dobry alleges is somehow involved with Janice Shell.

Ken S W (screen name) – a poster on the Raging Bull AZNT thread, believed by Dobry to be a dozen or so other Kens active on RB and SI
Key West Securities – a small brokerage and MM located in Texas (oddly). According to Individual Investor, a minority backer of the firm is Jordan Belfort, former head of Stratton Oakmont. Anthony Elgindy is also said to be a former Key West principal.
Kott, Irving – allegedly shady financier; former owner of J.B. Oxford
Kricfalusi, Charles – former consultant to AZNT; well-known as a sloppy eater
Kugler, Michael – broker hounded by Dobry for more than three years

La Cosa Nostra – an international criminal organization
Lamarti, Michael – former A.S. Goldmen broker charged with securities fraud
Lanza, Jayne Newell – Joseph Lanza’s ex-wife, now CEO of OMDA
Lanza, Joseph – financier behind a number of BB companies, including AWLT, a stock once hyped by Dobry. Went to jail for tax evasion
Lanza, Joseph – mob capo who ran the Fulton Fish Market, long deceased
Lasting Impressions, Inc. - ???
Laura Leigh, Inc. – a Louisiana corporation
Lee, Robin – R Zumbrunnen’s wife, unfairly dragged into this mess by Dobry
Levelhead (screen name) – poster at Raging Bull and Silicon Investor
Lewis, Gregory - ???
Lloyd, Eric – an actor; name chronically misspelled by Dobry
Lone Star, Inc. – far too many companies by this name even to guess what Dobry has in mind
Loren, Inc. – a Lousiana corporation
Lousiana Association of Museums – a non-profit organization dedicated to raising funds for museums. Sinister.
Lybrand, Peter – see Peter Tosto

MacCaughern, Scott
Make It Rock Marketing, Inc.
Mako Capital
Malangone, Alphonse “Allie Shades” - alleged loan shark, gambler, and longtime power behind Mob control of New York's Fulton Fish Market; reputedly a savvy stock market trader
Mama Tish’s International Foods
Manhattan Beach Trading
Mann, Joseph André
Marcasse, Ric
Marchese, Richard J.
Marchese, Richard T.
Marchese, Susan L.
Marchese, Thomas J.
Marchese-Allen, Sylvia (“Toni”)
Marketing and Management Services, Inc.
Masucci, William
Matthew Donald, Inc.
McKinney, Jill -
Meager Means, Inc. (Gina & Matt Blansett)
Media Technology Centers, Jeff Wasserman, C.E.O.,
Mendelson, Harold – Jeffrey Mitchell’s attorney
Michael Allen Zapara & Gina Ann Zapara, Inc.
Mighty Mezz (screen name)
Mikhail, Mikhail
Milburn, Friedhilde
Milburn, Robert
Mills, Matt
Mitchell, Bokyung C.
Mitchell, Derek J...."Mr. Mitchell was appointed as Special Assistant for Asian and Pacific Affairs, Office of the Secretary of
Mitchell, James
Mitchell, Jeffrey S….of Connecticut
Mitchell, Jeffrey S….of Georgia
Mitchell, Leonard, the director of the USC Center for Economic Development
Moglievich…. Russian Mob boss
Monchecourt, Eric
Morgan, Gary
Mork, Dempsey
Mrmrbill (screen name) – a poster at Raging Bull
MT Trading – a trading firm owned and operated by Ken Wolff
Murray, Arthur Ben
Murray, Mary

Napoli, John Andrew – alias used by Joseph André Mann
National Discount Brokers
Nelbert, Jason
Nelbert, Kenny – a person invented by Dobry
Neste Enterprises
New World Order
New York Stock Exchange
Nicolini, Susan

Olsen, Frank
Operation Sword – a sting operation in which several British businessmen and Russian mob operators were caught; from the mid-1990s. This may or may not be what Dobry has in mind; in any case he relates it to the alleged delivery of 18 swords to his parents
Orme River Group, Ltd.
Orozco, Humberto and Eduardo
OTC Laundromat

Pacific International
Panda Project, PNDA
Pathfinder, Inc.
Patterson, Michael
Pauly, D. Tod (“tonto”)
Peak Performance, Inc.
Persico, Alphonse…reputed head of Colombo crime family
Pignatiello, Constance
Pignatiello, Joseph V
Pittera, Joseph Lambert
Polsten, Sarah S.
Power Securities Corp
Prentiss, Maury – a 19 or 20 year old absurdly alleged by Dobry to share Dean Dumont’s Social Security number

Quinn, Thomas – trader with alleged ties to Phil Abramo; owes the SEC a great deal in fines

Rachfall, James
Raf Financial
Raging Bull
Rasmussen, Thomas
Reece, Ron
Retarded adults
Richards, Lloyd -
Rock Solid Corporation
Rodgers, Timothy – a person alleged by Dobry to share Bob Zumbrunnen’s Social Security number
Roosevelt, Kermit
Russian Mafia
Ryan, Irene (Evans?)
RZ Properties, LLC

S.G. Martin Securities
Sablon, Richard -
Saint, C.
salem’s hex (screen name)
Sand Dune Investments, Inc.
Sand Dune Investments, Inc.
Sanford, Brenda
Schoeppl, Carl
Schoeppl, Carl, Esq.
Schultz, Mark
Schumann, Robert
Schur, Peter
Scion (screen name)
scion (screen name)
Secrest, William Lee
Shell, Curtis
Shell, Inc.
Shell, Janice
Shell, Janice – CFO of Southeast Mortgage of Georgia, Inc and former CFO of JSW Electric. Alleged by Dobry (wrongly, of course) to be Janice Shell the art historian and RB poster
Shell, Janice – once a stockbroker working in Georgia. Perhaps the same person who now serves, or once served, as CFO of JSW Electrics and Southeast Mortgage
Shell, Janice…the one who lives in Elk Grove, CA
Shell, Tyson
Shorting Capital Corp
Signature Entertainment Corp
Silicon Investor
Silver Fox Marketing, Inc.
Silver Stae Office, Inc.
Silver State Office, Inc.
Simmonds families
Simon, Barbara (“jenna”)
Sims, Bob
Slatkin, Reed
smartin (screen name)
Snapdragon Ventures, Ltd.
Southeast Mortgage
Sovereign Equity Management Corp.
Specht, Jonathan R.
Squill corporation (Michael and John Jones)
Stadium Naples
Stark, John Reed
Step-Up Investment Ventures, Inc.
Sublime (screen name)
Surf It, Inc.
Sylver, Gary
Sylver, Michael A (“icabod”)

Taylor, Aslo
Taylor, Duane
Textile Consultants, Inc.
Thomas Cook Currency Services, Inc.
Thomas Cook Group (Canada) Ltd.
tideglider (screen name)
Tiefer, Gregory
Titan Investments
Torrey Pines, Inc.
Tosto, Peter
Trail Capital
Triangle Broadcasting(QBID)
Trilemma (screen name)
Tripoly Investments, Ltd.
Tsurko, Sue C.
Tucows, Inc. – Internet domain registration company. Used by “” and therefore suspect
Turrin, Gloria
Tyson, Matthew

Ulrich, William

Van Wagoner, Mark, Esq.
Viavision – a company owned and operated by Jeffrey Mitchell
Villagewood Trust
Vivienne Furlong
Volmer, Brian
Vulcan Ventures, Inc.

Wehunt, Tammy L. – CFO of JSW Electric, a Georgia company
WellRich, Inc.
Wheelchair bound handicapped people
Williams, Rita
Willner, Neil
Willy Wizard Club
Wilson, Murray – Genovese crime family associate and Las Vegas resident. Ran a marker scam in Vegas in 1983; was convicted of the crime in 1989. The Russian Mob was also said to have been involved.
Wolff, Ken -
Wolff, Ken (of MT Trading)
Wolfram (screen name)

yardslave (screen name)
YBM Magnex
Young, Dagney
Zaman, Michael
Zapara, Gina
Zapara, Michael
Zarek, Michael
Zee Capital Corp
Zeigler, Scott
Zeigler, Stephanie
Zeigler/Ziegler, Eric
Zonkie (screen name)
Zumbrunnen, Robin
Zumbrunnen,. Bob (“SI Bob”)
Zumbrunner, Robert J – a person who is not Robert J. Zumbrunnen
Zwebner, Michael

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