Here is a fuel cell company, selling working units to the US Air Force:
Thursday November 8, 12:01 am Eastern Time Press Release
SOURCE: DCH Technology, Inc.
DCH Fuel Cells to Provide Power to Brooks Air Force Base
VALENCIA, Calif., Nov. 8 /PRNewswire/ -- DCH Technology, Inc. (Amex: DCH - news), a manufacturer of hydrogen-specific sensors, hydrogen fuel cells and provider of hydrogen safety services, announced the award of a contract for three DCH Enable(TM) 3 kW fuel cells and support services by the Southwest Research Institute(TM) (SWRI(TM)). The fuel cells will be used to power housing units at the Brooks U.S. Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas. The award is part of a program by the United States Army Corps of Engineers Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (CERL) to demonstrate hydrogen-generated electric power for military use.
The three fuel cells will be delivered by October 2002 and the demonstration period is one year.
The three PEM (proton exchange membrane) fuel cells will be integrated with reformers -- allowing the systems to be fueled by natural gas -- developed by UOP LLC, a leading supplier of reformer technology to the fuel cell industry. The fuel cells will also be grid connected.
``This award will help us further demonstrate the performance of our fuel cell technology to the U.S. Army,'' said DCH President and Chief Executive Officer John Donohue.
``The primary objective of the project is to install, operate, maintain, monitor, and report data on the fuel cells to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,'' said Alan Montemayor, project manager for SWRI. ``But there are many important secondary objectives, including familiarizing Brooks personnel and other military installations in the San Antonio area with fuel cell technology.''
SWRI said that the City Public Service of San Antonio is a partner in the demonstration and plans to provide installation, interconnect, and code compliance assistance in the project. City Public Service plans to gain practical experience in the installation and operation of fuel cells and use that knowledge to determine how fuel cells and distributed generation could benefit their customers.
St. Philip's College, located in San Antonio, is also participating in the project and plans to have students and/or faculty are part of maintenance and operator training and possibly data taking activities during the one-year demonstration.
UOP LLC, headquartered in Des Plaines, Illinois, USA, is a leading international supplier and licensor of process technology, catalysts, adsorbents, process plants, and technical services to the petroleum refining, petrochemical, and gas processing industries.
For information on the fuel cells, contact Dennis Reid at DCH at 1-661-775-8120. For more information on the project, contact Mr. Joe Redfield, SWRI Group Leader for Fuel Cell Systems, at 1-210-522-3729.
Safe Harbor: This press release includes statements that are considered ``forward-looking'' within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements reflect DCH Technology's current views about future events and performance. Investors should not rely on these statements because they are subject to a variety of risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from expectations. These factors include, but are not limited to, the cost of development and market acceptance of DCH's sensor-based systems and fuel cells, competition, the cost and availability of materials, governmental regulations, and other factors detailed in DCH Technology's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
SOURCE: DCH Technology, Inc. |