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Technology Stocks : Network Associates (NET)
NET 171.16-3.0%Feb 14 9:30 AM EST

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To: deeno who wrote (5991)8/17/2001 7:57:03 PM
From: AlienTech  Read Replies (1) of 6021
Sure wish I knew. I got out here and am just thank full I got some money out. For a while there I thought it woudnt even be worth the paper. But with so many companies in the dumper, unless you have a big tax gain, why bother? Even CIEN is almost the same price. If I was going to take a risk here I would go for TLAB, CIEN, JNPR or one of the others showing promise when the market returns rather than hoping this can turn around. Its not market damage, its internal, much harder to fix that.

Oh the june 2001 issue of digit had an review of 18 antivirus programs. Considering they had it on the CD, they still gave a pretty bad review. The thing crashed on compressed files as before. And a B+ because it was easy to use and had good reporting. Only escan?? and quickheal?? came lower. Even the percent detected was like 91%. For the personal security stuff they gave rave reviews on free software and again personal firewall and pgp security came out looking pretty bad. Good to see some real comparisions from places that have no direct contact with the vendors for souped up reviews, they got a B and only neowatch?? and tiny firewall got lower scores.
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