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Gold/Mining/Energy : McKenzie Bay (MKBY pink sheets) US Diamond commences

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To: Rich Kaiser who started this subject9/20/2000 11:14:02 AM
From: jackolantern69   of 3

As the September 30, 2000 shareholder of record date grows near, Management of McKenzie Bay International Ltd (“MKBY” otc-pinks) is aware of investors who have purchased shares from market makers and brokers but are not shareholders of record. These investors contacted McKenzie Bay’s corporate offices to confirm their status as a shareholder of record only to be told that they were not a shareholder of record.

Other investors have contacted McKenzie Bay offices complaining of slow delivery (up to three months) of share certificates from market makers and brokers. A recurring theme seems to be that upon receiving a verbal request from the investor, the Market Maker or broker tells the investor physical delivery will take 4 to 6 weeks. When the certificate does not arrive in 6 weeks another request is made of the Market Maker or broker by the investor. This time the investor is informed that the request must be in writing and that it will take another 4 to 6 weeks before he will receive his certificate.

McKenzie Bay’s Transfer Agent has indicated that he is able to provide share certificates within 48 hours upon receipt of request for a certificate if it is couriered directly to him. If you are having difficulty in obtaining your share certificate you may file a complaint with the NASD at their website – Inform McKenzie Bay’s office immediately of any difficulty.

A Market Maker has informed management that they are considering to not cover short positions before the shareholder of record date. Market Maker attitude is that they merely need to supply shares to the investor at a discount to market if and when the investor ever decides to exercise the fictitious warrant. Management informed the Market Maker that if this were to happen, McKenzie Bay would be deprived of the proceeds from the exercise of the warrant and would file a lawsuit to recover lost proceeds as well as filing complaints with the NASD & SEC. All investors included in this maneuver by Market Makers are encouraged to file complaints.

All shareholders who do not have physical possession of their share certificate are urged to contact our offices in Canada 519-439-9392 or the USA 888-288-5948 to confirm their status as a shareholder of record. If you have possession of your share certificate, do not contact our office, as you are a shareholder of record.

Management has taken this anti-short selling measure in an attempt to discourage unregulated “naked” short selling of McKenzie Bay shares. Naked short selling depresses share prices and discourages investment in McKenzie Bay activities.

Thank you for your support in this matter.

On behalf of the Board of Directors

Gary Westerholm

Just found this on RB.....Jack
President & Chairman
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