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Technology Stocks : Interactive Entertainment / Videogames

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To: vc21 who wrote (59)3/6/2000 9:01:00 PM
From: Schiz  Read Replies (1) of 81
Ha, you're a funny guy.

Don't blame thdo for the valuation of thqi.

It's very difficult to compare thqi to thdo. There are a number of fundamental differences between the business models and while thdo's track record is much shorter than thqi's, thdo is growing revenues at a really incredible pace. Also, the analysts have them turning profitable this fy which ends in march. THDO also has two patents related to internet gaming. I would say that there are quite a few investors that do not think thdo is overvalued at it's currentl level. Look at the volume and price trend since the start of February. The street is starting to take notice of thdo. If Trip and co. can continue to execute as they have, $15 could look cheap in hindsight.

Basically seeing as it is pretty clear that thdo is not overvalued, thqi must be undervalued.

I'll buy some thqi when I can trade in thdo one for one.


Just a quick note to put thdo growth in perspective. The amount of EARNINGS estimated for this QUARTER exceeds the PUBLISHING REVENUE for the entire 98 fiscal YEAR. (rough numbers 16mm profit vs 10mm revenue)

That's impressive.

From basically nowhere to here in two years. Imagine where they will be two years from now if they continue to execute as they have been. Never understimate the power of the tripster.

Good luck with thqi. Assuming they meet the fy01 estimates, I think it's pretty safe to say that they are undervalued. Perhaps a good buying opportunity.
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