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Microcap & Penny Stocks : SLBI : ISSM rises from the dead (silver bullet, anyone?)

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To: MasterConfucius who wrote (7)1/14/2000 9:42:00 AM
From: Stock Puppy   of 9
OT (sorta)
Be forewarned that TMMI 's history is twisted and turned.
Do your DD!!!!!! Keep a healthy skepticism!

Personally, I'd rather buy one or two shares of a good internet B2B....or, if I really had an urge, risk only a few $$$ on TMMI. My personal feeling anyway. TMMI might turn out great and all investors will make loads of $$$ (?)

Anyone wanna buy a diode, cheap? It's a really good one, better than all the other diodes out there, and I know how to make them cheaper than anyone else! News about my deal with (big name whisper whisper) will be announced, probably in spring....

And, if you want to read through the articles on SI, TMMI posting has sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much stuff, you'll feel like the street sweeper cleaning up after the bull run :-). You'll find that "ignore poster" button a blessing, although that will not get rid of most junk (sports discussions? geezzzz!)

TMMI, as a penny stock, has three things going for it:

1) it never reverse split (yow!) (hey no 20 for 1 deals here!)
2) it has never been diluted to pay costs/make up value/etc.
3) it has a loud rambunctious following. (which makes it fun and frothy when there is some interest)

As far as I know. (and I never admitted to knowing much :-))
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