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Gold/Mining/Energy : Cora ressources - KRA(VSE)

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To: G Young who wrote (176)1/7/2000 9:05:00 PM
From: Mike Perras  Read Replies (1) of 179
80k traded .. KRA closes at .20 hmmmmmmm .. any thoughts?
We are about 17 months between posts WOW !


News Release dated January 6/2000

CORA RESOURCES LTD ("KRA-V") - No Material Changes

Douglas B. Brooks, President of Cora Resources Ltd. wishes to announce that there are no material changes in the Company's affairs.

Further to its August 12, 1999 news release, the Company continues to be engaged in discussions regarding investment in a beverage
business opportunity and also in the emerging technology fields. At present the Company has not negotiated any agreement.

The Company will issue further news releases on material changes. TEL: (604) 682-7159

Douglas B. Brooks, President FAX: (604) 669-5886
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