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Technology Stocks : Smith-Gardner & Associates, Inc. (SGAI)

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To: QuietWon who wrote (23)12/29/1999 12:16:00 PM
From: tahoeman   of 27
Does SGAI still only have 12.21 Mil share outstanding and 6.7 Mil share in float?

In addition, there is news out today and I saw this on I2s Ragingbull board and thought if there are under 7 Mil in float then this baby has only begun to move.....

"A direct competitor of CMRC and ARBA

Take a look:

SGAI is an e-commerce beauty....SGAI?Profitable NOW, for the nine months ended 9/99, revenues rose 40% to $34.7 million. Net income $4.5 million, up from $1.3 million, 40 million cash AND GET THIS, trading at price to sales of this to ARBA at 218x and CMRC at 283x, they won best of COMDEX this year and last year. Don?t take my word for it look at stats you?ll see I?m right. Institutions own over 70% of float. SGAI is gold mine, look at it, it?s no brainer as good as it gets still undiscovered.

PS: for a kicker take a look at their customer list! Also, its chart looks exactly like ELCO's did two days ago..."
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