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Microcap & Penny Stocks : BAAT - world records for electric vehicles with zinc-air

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To: DonP who wrote (6430)12/1/1999 1:10:00 PM
From: DonP  Read Replies (1) of 6464
By: JoeLaStella ___ *** Last Posting From JoeLaStella ***
Reply To: NoneMonday, 29 Nov 1999 at 7:47 PM EST
Post # of 4877
*** Last Posting From JoeLaStella ***
I am sorry to say this is my last posting. Some of us have tried to
organize this board. Miraclewon and several other have done a marvelous job to transform this board into an more structured vehicle for serious communication.
However, new bashers and irresponsible posters are coming onto the board at an increasing rate. In my last posting, I spoke about a person impersonating Bill Wason who then shifted like a chameleon to
impersonate other BAT employees. Now we have a rather intellectual
person impersonating me on the board as "LaStella", whereas I post as
The problem is that many newcomers don't know what's going on, and there isn't a viable communication infrastructure to shore up and protect the communication process that is not working. If you couple these impersonation antics with the amount of ridiculous posting from bashers and others on this board, the resulting situation is a huge waste of time and can confuse newcomers.
My email is full of suggestions from BAAT's very loyal stockholders and they are pleading with me to get off of this message board. They are asking me to do this because it is obvious that only a very few who are posting on this board really want to learn. They don't use this forum as a place to expand their knowledge. This majority of posters only come here to vent anxiety that they are carrying around from living on boards rather than living life.
I have written some 25 full pages of information on the company during
the past 3-1/2 weeks. Very few people appreciate this and even less seem to either understand them or want to understand them. I really do have a very wonderful company to run called BAT International and I have already wasted to much time on trying to develop a community of board members that want to have lots of honest, open dialog.
So, here are my last postings! This time around I am not going to be so gentlemanly.....

The rest is on RB. He goes on to insult most of the other posters on the board. He only answered 3 1/2 questions. Most of his postings contain whining about his health or reposting his own press releases.
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