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Technology Stocks : Information Management Associates - (IMAA)

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To: TFF who wrote (141)8/25/1999 12:54:00 PM
From: LTK007  Read Replies (2) of 165
TFF don't me make go on a dig ---if you search it's in one of the
items posted--the NYT article or one of the DJ releases--I will when I have time this evening go re-dig up the source.
But to balance that where do you have a source that says it is a neear term IPO?
BTW,one of my favorite stocks has finally started to run--
I am NOT! in it now,but I am ALWAYS glad to see a stock I
recommended take off--it is a internet related stock Paradyne,PDYN and easily deserves to run with the likes of CMTN and RBAK---may enter now,may not I am sort of taking it easy these days.Max90
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