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Technology Stocks : GTS DURATEK INC (DRTK )

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To: J. W. Kennedy who wrote ()3/31/1997 9:52:00 PM
From: Peter H. Hodge   of 49
I didn't start watching this stock until it rebounded from 4 7/8 and was at 5 3/8. Point of interest, one Market Maker (DMGL) stayed on the ask for the rest of the day. It seemed they were intent on keeping the ask from rising as they sold and sold without budging even when all transactions were buys. Then, in the P.M. when there were just one or two sells, the bid dropped immediately as low as 5 1/8.

This gave me the impression that the the price could move fairly dramatically to the upside if DMGL wasn't selling. Since there was significant buying all day long, and strong into the close, I will not be surprised to see strong buying tomorrow. DMGL has kept the price down today, but who knows about tomorrow. I'll be buying some more in the AM.
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