NO POLITICS! .. Other topics and investment styles welcome. There is no right way or wrong way to invest here, only a way to try and make whatever way you choose a better way of getting results for you.
I will not tolerate criticism of others and how they invest. Feel free to share what you do, how you do it, and why you do it, but I will not allow you to infer others are knuckleheads for how they invest. I will not tolerate food fights, you can always go to SA for that.
Want to learn how to navigate the site? Check these videos out! ==========================
The portfolios I report on here are real portfolios using real money. They are not model portfolios. I provide two examples of portfolios I manage for people in different aspects of their investing lives.
1) Young Folk Portfolio. 2) Older Folk Portfolio. ==================
This is a growth portfolio, thus SPY is the the portfolio benchmark.
UPDATED -- 02/10/2025
Message 35021309
LEGACY PORTFOLIO: ... Growth and Income
Since this is a growth and income portfolio, using equity and fixed income, I'm using VWELX, which does the same, as the benchmark.
UPDATED -- 02/08/2025
Message 35017903 ============================
RETIREMENT PORTFOLIO: ... Income and Growth
UPDATED -- 02/09/ 2025
Message 35019237
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