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Revision History For: Cyan Inc., Software Defined Networking and Network Function

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Service Providers

Packet-optical performance and scale combined with software control that lowers costs and simplifies operations.

Building the Virtualized, Scalable NetworkService providers can’t afford large CAPEX increases just to stay at par. And it’s more than just high volumes of the same types of customer usage. Today, customers want to use network resources in new ways. Just as cloud services offer elastic allocation and use of storage and compute resources, customers now want flexibility for their network bandwidth and services. Floods of social media, video, and “big data” traffic also demand off-the-chart network scalability, better performance, and a greatly enhanced user experience.

Traditional network infrastructure is built on vertically integrated network hardware and software. This requires networks to be operated, controlled, and managed based on vendor-defined parameters. In that environment, how do you evolve your multivendor network and transform your capabilities to cost-effectively scale the network and deliver next-generation dynamic services? You can start with SDN, NFV, and packet-optical technology. Cyan Blue Planet Platform enables greatly simplified orchestration across multivendor, multilayer infrastructures. Cyan Z-Series Packet-Optical Transport Platforms (P-OTPs) are fully integrated and help you simplify and scale your network with higher-performance in less space, with less power and lower costs.

Explore Suggested Use Cases Hollow Core MPLS and Ethernet Service Tunneling EthernetFLEX TowerAware Wireless Backhaul Carrier Ethernet 2.0 ServicesWhat Makes Cyan Different?Open and Automated Software-Defined NetworksNo two networks operate in the same way or have the same devices across a footprint. As a result, the ability to support northbound apps or functions and southbound third-party devices is important for end-to-end management and service automation and orchestration. Cyan’s Blue Planet SDN Platform is an open carrier-grade SDN platform specifically designed to manage, orchestrate, design, provision, and automate services across a multi-vendor infrastructure.

Cyan has deployed its Blue Planet SDN Platform in more than 85 service provider networks controlling or accessing more than 50 third-party devices from 25 different vendors. Learn more about Blue Planet.

Superior Ethernet and Optical PerformanceService providers require both flexibility and scale to handle the myriad of applications being driven over their metro networks. The Cyan Z-Series P-OTPs provide industry leading optical and Ethernet performance and scale with up to 2.8 Tbps of non-blocking packet switch capacity per node. Z-Series packet solutions provide lower- latency and full line-rate switching across all ports concurrently, at a fraction of the price of lower performing routers. Learn more about Z-Series.

Carrier Ethernet 2.0Few technologies have had a greater impact on the cost and scale of networks than Carrier Ethernet. Cyan’s Z-Series natively supports advanced Metro Ethernet Forum (MEF) services and was among the first products to achieve Carrier Ethernet 2.0 (CE2.0) certification from the MEF. CE2.0 functionality is implemented on the Z-Series with connection-oriented Ethernet (COE) transport to provide reliable, deterministic performance consistent with each service's SLA. Read the use case.

100GCyan’s single-slot 100G coherent transponder for the Z-Series sets an industry benchmark for density and flexibility by delivering 100G in a single slot module supporting the full range of optical reach capabilities. This flexibility is the result of integrated support for short, medium, long, and extended reach C form-factor pluggable (CFP) client interfaces. Unlike competitive solutions, this means service providers and data center operators are assured that a single slot will satisfy all optical reach requirements. Learn more about Z-Series.