KBH Investor Accounting is similar to previous versions of Investor Accounting in form and function but is unrelated to previous developments by algorithm or programming language code. This new generation development is represented by a new name and by beginning at version 1.0 .
KBH Investor Accounting features a year-to-date mark-to-market profit/loss accounting as a novel portfolio performance measure. The application also has a realized accounting of first-in-first-out capital transaction matching. Additionally, the application tracks the intermediate value of short positions and option writes.
Here is a user link to the application:
Overall, KBH Investor Accounting has a Portfolio book, a Register book, a Mark-to-Market book, a Realized Accounting book, and a Transaction input book...
Features promised and developed are higher performance, additional user interface characteristics, time-weighted profit margin percentage, sorting of input, and dynamic computations.
All noted here because these developments have been previously mentioned here. |